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The second the front door slammed shut, Xena collapsed to the floor. She laid on her back, just staring up at the ceiling. Her breathing became shallow as her mind worked everything together. She was still processing everything, still trying to figure out what the hell had gone wrong.

The pieces of the puzzle were coming together. Everything was making sense. Seeing Venus that night at the club was when she had killed the club owner and his guards. Hence, the blood on her car seat. She had driven home the very same Assassin she was looking for that day. Venus had murdered people, and then Xena had driven her to safety.

A realization crossed over Xena when she realized that the call from her Boss she had gotten the night before was Richard Mascetti.

Xena closed her eyes to steady herself. It felt like her world was spinning and there was way too much going on. Opening her eyes once again, Venus stood up from the floor and began walking around her room; pacing back and forth in circles as she ran her fingers through her hair, pulling aggressively.

Everything was too much. She was trying to process it, struggling to lay it out in order in her mind, but it was proving extremely difficult.

A tear escaped from Xena's eye, then another, then another. Soon, there was a constant stream down her face. Xena crouched down to the floor. Her back was up against the wall in the same position she had been standing as she cried. It was a full on sob. The noises coming from Xena's mouth filled the room, almost echoing and bouncing off the walls. She had never felt so much pain in her life.

She had fallen for an Assassin: a cold-blooded killer. She was an Agent, and she had fallen for an Assassin.

Xena felt betrayed, deceived. She felt incompetent. She should have figured it out earlier on. She was a fucking Assassin for Christ's sake.

Pulling her knees up to her chest Xena bent her head over, her fingers were still entwined in her hair pulling forcefully. Her cries had not ceased, they were still coming out strong. Everything was spinning, everything that Xena had envisioned was falling apart.

She was conflicted. How could somebody like Venus be a killer? She was so innocent, so fragile looking. Venus had always felt this desire to protect her, but now it was clear to Xena that she was more than capable of protecting herself. A bitter laugh escaped from Xena's throat amidst her sobs.

A faint memory popped up in Xena's mind. It was of the first time she had ever encountered Venus at the bar. She remembered Venus telling her that she killed people when she asked her what she did for a living. Xena had laughed then, thinking she had just been cracking a joke.

The reality of the situation was so ironic. It almost felt like the plot for a badly written story, but that wasn't the case. This was real life, and it was happening right in front of Xena. This was her reality.

For a few moments Xena just remained in her position, crouched against the wall, staring at the room in front of her. She looked at her bed, the bed where Venus had been lying beneath her just a few moments ago. The bed, where the smaller woman had been moaning softly beneath her, had been on the verge of panting her name. Xena felt herself grow wet, and it instantly filled her with disgust.

She was having sexual fantasies about a killer.

Xena averted her eyes, staring at her shirt that was thrown haphazardly on the floor. Getting up slowly, she pulled it back over her head before sitting on her bed.  Xena stared at her room before her as her brain worked so fast. She was trying desperately to figure things out, to make sense out of everything that was going on, but it seemed impossible.

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