| forty-seven |

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A/N: Please excuse spelling/grammatical errors.


Ambrosia sat in her car, nestled under the shade of a small tree. Her hands gripped the steering wheel as her eyes burned holes into the pavement. Her thoughts were reluctant to line up with the reality of her situation. 

The events of her past had been hard for her to come to terms with and of course, would never leave her but somehow she had made it.

However, sometime she wondered if she would have been better of dead then where she was now.

Ambrosia ha survived all but emotionally. There was a oddness about her now, a sudden paranoia and depression that hung off her like an iron cloak. As the days continued it felt as if it was growing heavier and heavier.

How long would she last like this?

Ambrosia stiffened as another car rolled past her and stopped crooked in a parking spot. No matter how many times she did this it always managed to scare her.

A reasonably muscular man in grey sweatpants and a black jacket stepped out of the driver's seat and looked around before striding over to her car. Ambrosia rolled down her tinted window and stared blankly at the man. He pushed his beanie back on his head and smiled leaning his arms against the top of her car.

Ambrosia sighed and pulled out a three crinkled one-hundred dollar bills. The man took it and held out a small pouch.

"So how's your day been, A?" he questioned.

Ambrosia frowned and grabbed at the bag and the man pulled it back. She glanced at him clearly alarmed and he laughed.

"Ricky, stop playing and give me the pills," Ambrosia huffed.

Ricky tapped the top of her car in thought and glazed over her as he usually did with his muddy brown eyes.

"What do you say about coming over to my place tonight, I could lend you some other stuff too."

Ambrosia shook her head and held out her hand pointing to the small bag dangling from his fingers.

"No, we are done hooking up remember?"

"Really, a two week break and we are done, now?"

"Ricky, stop-"

"Ah c'mon A, your getting to used to Vicodin anyway," Ricky insisted.

"You don't know that."

"Oh, are you just buying double your usual amount to share with friends?" Ricky teased.

"Just give me the fucking pills!"

Ambrosia smacked her steering wheel and frustration and tried to adjust her trembling hands as she glanced away from him nervously, more so ashamed of her uncontrollable mindset.

"Please," she whimpered.

"Alright, alright," Ricky flicked the bag into her lap. As Ambrosia fumbled to retrieve it. He tapped her cheek with his cold thumb.

"It's gonna cost you next time, babe."

Ricky jogged back to his car and with a loud rev from his engine he sped out of the old parking lot and swerving onto the main road.

Ambrosia shoved the pills into her shirt and slowly drove home. Dating Ricky was a mistake, with the exception of discounted drugs, Ambrosia hated his higher than life personality. Especially when he demanded her attention. She had tried several times to get out of their wacko relationship but he had a certain way of...forcing them back together.

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