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My sweet flower of love.

Why do you look at me, as if I am your escape?

There is no escape.

I want you, to hold you, to take you from your lonely bush.

The moment I laid eyes on you.

Your nectar must only be for me.





Ambrosia had taken an unplanned nap and woke up from the smell of freshly cooked chicken. Her stomach called out for food, which was the signal for Ambrosia to move her lazy self.

She hurried downstairs and nearly tripping over, her own feet in excitement for food. The dinner table was as large and it stretched nearly the whole length of the dining room. A chandelier hung from the high ceiling of the dining room, and curtains covered the windows that were on each side of the room.

Everyone was sitting chattering about the food and what they were going to eat, but the loud thumps of Ambrosia's footsteps drew their attention to her as she emerged like a zombie from the grave.

Tania stood at the opposite side of the table and she signaled to look at the clock.

It was 7:07.

Seven minutes late, give me a break.

"Yeah sorry I fell asleep," Ambrosia said quickly taking a seat next to her littlest cousin.

"I can tell" Aunt Annie giggled.

The rest of the family chortled along with her. Ambrosia felt her mess of hair a smiled awkwardly as she attempted to fix it.

"Now that we are all here we can finally eat-" began Tania's husband, Chris. But Tania cut him off.

"Mrs. Henway, Elias, come join us for dinner."

Mrs. Henway was in the kitchen working on some papers and looked up.

"Oh, I would love too, thank you," she said walking over and taking a seat on the side.

Elias was leaning on the kitchen table where his mother was but didn't move a muscle.

"No thank you, I'm not very hungry..." he answered.

Tania's eyes were fixated on him and she held out a plate of food. With one of those I-know-you-didn't-say-no-to-me looks.

"Nonsense, your living with us so why not eat with us!" she declared.

Knowing it was no use to argue with a painfully bossy middle-aged black woman her retrieved the plate and leaned on the wall behind Ambrosia.

Ambrosia cocked an eyebrow and pursed her lips.

"Living with us?"

"Yes," Aunt Tania said brushing her dress with her hands before she sat down.

"But why?" Ambrosia persisted glancing at Elias who looked completely disinterested, then to Mrs. Henway who was practically drooling over the food.

Tania batted her eyelashes, it was obvious she was irritated.

Ambrosia found that quite amusing.

"Mrs. Henway and I have come to an agreement that she would stay until the preparation for what to do with the house were settled, to make things easier of course" she proclaimed.

EliasHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin