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Author's POV

"What is it Sid? Why are you so jumpy?" Asked Lily, getting more and more curious because of Sid's unusual behaviour.

"I met this girl today after practice, she was crying, so I tried to cheer her up...and then she smiled, and then something happened here..." Sid said pointing at the centre of his chest.

"Huh? What happened?" Lily asked getting confused.

"I don't know, she gave that smile, and I liked it very much, I felt...happy..." Sid concluded.

" is she your crush?" Lily asked with an evil smirk on her face.

"What's a crush?" asked a confused fourteen year old Sid.

"Crush is when you want somebody to be your girlfriend." Lily explained him and Sid turned bright red up to his ears.

"N-no...that's not true..." Sid said diverting his eyes from her.

"Oh my God! You blushed!" Lily smirked again.

"What's her name Romeo boy?" Lily asked trying to control her smile.



Author's Note :

Here's an early treat for my birthday!!!

Thank me later....


Siddharth's POV

I didn't know what to think when I heard Disha crying on the phone, it was like I was stabbed a thousand times, every stab deeper than the previous. I did not want to cry, not in front of Lily.




When Lily and I went to check on Karan, he was not there. My first thought was 'Did he go to Disha's house?'

"Lily, I think we should check if he went to Disha's..." I asked gaining her attention.

"Huh? Do you think he would actually do that?" She asked unsure.

"I seriously don't know what he could do right now...our only option is to not leave any options." Saying this I headed to my car, Lily following me. We hopped in and I started the engine. He has to be on foot, so I drove slowly hoping we could catch up to him.

We were crossing the park behind out school, it was eerily silent, the only sound being the car's engine.

"Did you hear that?!" Lily said suddenly. I slowed the car down to listen.

"It sounds like someone is wailing..." Lily said. I turned my head towards the park.

"Yes I can, I think it's coming from the park..." I said still somewhat unsure.

"Do you think it can be Karan?" Lily asked.

"I don't thin -"

"You only said we cannot leave any options." Lily said cutting me. I sighed before turning the engine off.

"Fine." We got down, the sound was now louder than before. There was absolutely no one. I looked at Lily still doubting the decision. I held her hand.

"Don't let go." I said and pulled her to the park with me.

We started following the voice and reached beside the lake. I was shocked would be an understatement. We saw as Karan chugged whatever was in the bottle and threw the bottle in the lake. Lily snatched her hand away from mine and ran to him.

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