Is This The End?

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Author's POV

"Yes...I like you, but that shouldn't change anything right? We're such good friends! These feelings are temporary I'm sure. You wouldn't stop talking to me just because I have started feeling something for you, will you Karan? It should not stand between our friendship right?"

"Lily...I don't want to hurt you."

"You're hurting me by avoiding me!"

"Lily, this is so messed up... You will only hurt more if you keep ignoring your feelings."

"Karan! It didn't hurt! It never did.... seeing you happy, spending time with you, having silly discussions was enough for me! Why are you doing this?"

"It's for the best."

"What is?"

"We should not talk anymore."

"Karan, don't say that! You're kidding right? What about all of the times we spent together?"

"Lily, let's treasure those memories and stop hurting each other."

"Karan! When did I hurt you?"

"It will hurt me to see my friend hurting for me." Karan said as he got up to leave. Lily held his hand firmly and continued.

"Don't do this. It hurts, it hurts a lot." She said getting up.

"I'm sorry. It hurts me too." Karan said, his voice almost a whisper.


"Goodbye Lily." He said as he freed his wrist and left. Lily stood there stunned by what happened, she only wanted to talk to Karan about Disha and Sid. As she stood there she felt tears forming in her eyes and decided to go the secret spot where she used to smoke.

She couldn't control her tears, and it was the first time she cried after her parents' divorce. As she was sitting there resting her face between her knees, she felt a hand over her head. She turned her face to see who it was and came face to face with a smiling Sid.

"Why is my Lily crying?" Sid asked wiping her tears.

"It's nothing..."

"Seriously?! Stop being a girl. It doesn't suit you" Sid laughed. Lily hit him lightly on his arm and put her head on his shoulder. Sid wrapped his arm around her.

"Tell me! Who is to be killed?" said Sid.

"Karan -"

"He's already half dead, wouldn't it be a little too harsh on him?"

"Listen dumbass!"

"Yeah okay continue..."

"Remember that day I told you about my feelings?"

"Yeah, the day before I got suspended."

"Yes... Karan figured it out."

"So? What's the big deal?"

"He thinks he was hurting me by not reciprocating my feelings."

"That ass -"

"He broke our friendship." Lily's voice turned hoarse again as she said this.

"Wait. I'll talk to him, everything isn't as easy as he thinks. He can't hurt you, NO!" Sid said feeling agitated.

"I tried stopping him. He doesn't want to talk to me anymore."

"Lily...Please don't cry! I have never seen my best friend crying over a boy...Man! What is with this Karan? Stealing my fandom...First Disha, now he has your attention too..." Sid said with a pout. Lily chuckled at his childish tone.

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