A Special Gift.

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Author's POV

The next morning as Ryan was getting ready he wore his regular school uniform which was very unusual for him as he always wore his black jersey and sports shoes, he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, hung his tie loose and picked up his bag. His hair, a bit longer than what the teachers would like, was messy but he couldn't care less. He just ran his fingers through them, letting his smooth strands fall naturally. A dimple on his left cheek would appear whenever he smiled, which haven't been a lot lately.

He was the typical popular boy of the school who attracted both his seniors as well as juniors. He was 6 ft. tall, his dreamy brown eyes would shine whenever he smiled. His skin tanned beautifully due to years of practising under the sun, his jaw line prominent.

The first thing his eyes fell on upon entering the classroom was Raveena. His anger rose remembering how she dumped him yesterday. He decided not to look at her anymore and go straight to Tushar, the geek topper guy. As he was on his way to Tushar's desk, Elina stopped him, "Hey Ryan! Where are you going?" she said holding his arms.

"It's none of your business .Can't you talk without touching me?" replied Ryan removing her hand and speeding up to Tushar.

"Hi Ryan." Tushar got up as Ryan came to his desk.

"Hey! I want notes and the important questions. I just need to pass this time, i haven't focused ." Ryan said sitting on his desk.

"Ya sure. Have this, can you give it to me before the last period? I have to revise." He took out a thick notebook which had 'unit test 1' written over it and gave it to Ryan

'I fucking don't even know the topics and this guy has to revise.' Ryan thought.

"Okay. I'll Xerox it." Ryan replied and left.


Three weeks later and the exams were finally over. Raveena realized she would barely pass this unit test, Ryan was happy with the average grades he expected and Disha and Karan were sure they would definitely be the rank holders. Sid didn't actually care about the units and cared only for half-yearly exams and Lily knew she fucked up the physics paper but didn't get bother by it.

Raveena approached Karan after their last paper and told him about her performance.

"It was so bad Karan, I'm not even sure if I would pass." She said sitting on his desk.

"Don't worry Raveena, these exams come and go, try harder the next time and I'll help you for sure!"

"Well you helped me this time too!" she replied with a very harsh tone.

Karan didn't know what to say to her, so he decided to be quiet rather than talking back at her.

At lunch, the four of them were sitting together when Sid suggested celebrating their survival.

"Let's go somewhere! I'm so tired due to these shitty exams! Why do they even take unit tests, fucking distracting hardworking students like me from the half-yearly exams." He said faking his tiredness by leaning on Lily.

"You suck at them too!" Lily replied sipping the energy drink.

Karan and Disha laughed at how Lily said it.

"We can go somewhere though." Disha replied looking straight at Sid.

"See! D-Disha gets me" Sid replied looking straight at her.

"But where?" Karan spoke up.

"To the mall!" Lily said.

"Today?" Disha asked.

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