A New Start.

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"Good morning ma!" Karan exclaimed excitedly coming downstairs.

"Good morning beta! Sit down and have a proper breakfast. It's your first day at your new school." Said Karan's mother as she served him pancakes.

Karan was starting junior year at his new high school and was very anxious. His anxiousness however, was not because of going to a new place, but because of a certain girl he had a past with.

Raveena was Karan's girlfriend for the past three years. They met when Raveena's family shifted next door. A then fourteen year old Karan was completely smitten by her and they soon started going out. They grew closer as the days passed and he felt very happy whenever she was around. Two years down their relationship, Raveena's family had to shift to a different house as they started having some issues with their landlord. Her new house was not very far though. They continued to date and often met each other at a small cafe near Raveena's new place. The cafe became their regular date spot and everything seemed perfect.

Karan wanted to spend more time with her and decided to join her school to do so. However, he received a text from her yesterday where she wrote:

R: Hey Karan! I think that maybe we aren't perfect for each other. I mean, I like you but I need some space rn to sort things out and conclude if I actually like you or not. I really hope you get what I'm trying to say here. I'm really sorry.

Karan had been anxious ever since he got the text and wanted to talk to her in person. He did not understand how can she be confused after being with him for almost three years. He had to talk to her.


It was the start of the new session. Disha was finally in the Junior year but she wasn't too excited about school.

It was a little difficult for her as when she was a sophomore, someone special to her broke her heart and made her believe that she was not worth loving, now she was ready to concentrate only on her studies and get out of this school ASAP. 


Karan did not know where exactly to go as he entered through the huge gate. He silently followed where he thought other kids were heading to. After crossing the large playground he reached a large notice board where a fairly large crowd was present. Listening to people talk around him he understood that the students' list of every classroom was attached on it. Pushing through the crowd, he came at the front and searched for his name. His class was 11-B. Reading the directions to his classroom he headed there.

As Disha was about to enter her classroom, she saw a boy standing by the door of the classroom with a sulking face and thought to herself, "So, here's the new gloomy boy of the class. STAY AWAY, STAY AWAY from him."

Karan felt someone's constant gaze on him and turned his head to his right to see a girl staring straight at him. Disha made eye contact with him and realized that all this time she was staring right at him with a resting bitch face.

She broke the awkwardness and said, "Hello!"

"Hey!" Karan replied.

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