Tell Her.

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Author's POV

"What should I do?" Karan thought out loud with his head hung low.

As he entered his home he went straight upstairs.

"Where were you Karan? Did you get wet? Change out of your clothes and come down I'll make something for you. Dad won't come home today so let's make something for Dinner together." His mom said in one breath. Karan didn't reply and lied down in his bed with a blanket covering his face.

"Disha should know, she should know how much she matters to me! She should know how perfect she is. Why are things like this?!" Karan said removing the blanket from his face. He picked up his phone and started scrolling through Disha's instagram profile.

"Do you not feel the way I do?" he asked looking at her photograph.


The Next Day....

When Karan entered the school corridor, he spotted Disha standing by the classroom door, talking to Lily and Sid. She was smiling brightly. A smile automatically adorned his face. Disha seemed happy and warm, Karan couldn't help but notice how Sid was looking at her while she was laughing. Sid smiled the whole time and he looked like he had got a chance to talk to Disha after so long, as if Disha was some kind of goddess or an angel from the heaven he adored. Disha hit Sid's arm as she laughed and Sid smiled and put his hand on back of his neck, Sid seemed happy too. Karan almost forgot that he was standing in the middle of the corridor, looking at Sid as Sid waved at him.

"Dude! Why are you standing there? Come here!" Sid exclaimed.

'No, I can't do this to Sid. He has loved Disha for so long, longer than I've even known her. Moreover, she deserves a guy like Sid, she deserves to be with him. How foolish I've been these few months, how can I even think about claiming his Disha as mine, how could I?' Karan thought.

"What's wrong K?" Karan heard Disha's voice and he felt something in his heart. He couldn't quite understand what that feeling was but he felt nervous as he approached them.

"Nothing! What are you guys doing here?" Karan said.

"Just talking till the teacher comes." Sid replied putting his hand on Lily's shoulder.

"Think of the devil and the devil arrives! See your Sir is here." Lily said pointing at the teacher who was entering the corridor.

"Bye Lily! Meet you in the second period!" Sid exclaimed.

"Bye guys! Bye Karan!" Lily said as she left.

Disha and Karan sat on the desk as the teacher entered the class. Disha took out her book and Karan stared at her.

'You look so warm Disha. You smell so good, I want to be here with you always... this hurts so much Disha, I never realized why I didn't kiss Raveena that day, because I wanted to kiss you! I was so dumb Disha, I thought I liked Raveena but that day when I accepted her proposal, things didn't feel right, no it didn't. I know why I felt that way because the day you told me I was your friend, I felt something in my heart. You looked beautiful everyday and I wanted to be next to you ever since....I am so dumb that I didn't realize that I love you' Karan thought looking at her. She paid attention to each and every word the teacher said taking notes, Karan didn't look away from her and she was too attentive to notice his behaviour. Karan moved his eyes from her as soon as Disha looked at him. He then looked at Sid who looked bored out of his mind. He looked like he will fall asleep any second now.


"Karan, Is something bothering you?" Disha spoke up as they were sitting in the indoor court.

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