Chapter 25

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Maria was very good with protecting people so I had no doubt Chloe was in good hands . I got home really tired and the only thing I could think about is hot shower.But then I had another brilliant idea it was already 23 and Khloe would be home anytime soon . May be we can actually play .
I called Peter to find out where they had reached .I later prepared my former study room for some nice romantic dinner since it was at the rooftop and had the best view of Brookdale plus the hot tub and pool close but she will definitely love it ...

I went down stairs to wait for there return but then I got bored so I actually went through the house to make sure it was extra safe for Khloe .At this point o wished I hadn't left room , fucking blood wolf.
I see your roaming around in your animal form ey are you looking for a fight ?
Wait you cant answer me please transform my fiance will be here soon .

You mean Khloe ?
She's a tough girl I meet her

I know .

Oh she told you ? obviously why am I even asking .
Cause you Lost your brains .

Honestly I won't harm her your curse will deal with her .
Unless she's Chris great great granddaughter and you know that's not possible but hey at least I know your hiding the fact she's not in love with you .Dear Daddy doesn't know your cursed does he?

Well you can just Marry me instead

No please just get out your guys fucking naked and I don't think she'll like to see you here.

Whatever !!!!
She's home can you please go now. And make sure you don't  Cross paths are we clear ?
Listen Max I will do as you say but take this as a friendly warning keep her safe far away from me because when I meet her I'm going to kill her.
Blood wolf just fuck off!
You can't dare
If you try anything stupid I'll kill everything and everyone you love ..

Okay i won't touch her.
Eish she's just a human after all!

I know leave now.

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