Chapter 10

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Everything was almost back to normal Ceye was finally discharged but she still needed money to treat leukemia ,it wasn't very easy with all the other payments that will follow likely Ishas boyfriend cleared the bill for Ceye ,I wasn't happy about it but I had no options but to let him help ...I was so low on cash ,Peter hadn't yet paid so I've been told which I highly doubt but coming to think of it Peter works for the Macleans and his such a Dick I mean he really does act like the fucking boss and the so called MacLean I have never seen since he arrived .......

I was so deep in thoughts I forgot about work and Taking care of Ceye wasn't easy ,She was discharged this morning and Isha promised to take her of her when she gets back . And apparently she's already back I didn't even notice ...I stood from the sofa and went to check up on Timothy and Ceye since they shared a room .

I later took a shower and prepared for work while cooking some food for the kids since Isha wasn't much of the cooking type plus she was fast asleep on the sofa .I wonder where she went and came back this tired ,I tapped her which definitely woke her up cause she was a light sleeper..

What !?
I'm going to work soon and I've cooked you guys some food , I'll be back a little late today .

Well your always late Khloe and don't worry I know what you actually do to feed us ..
You do?

Yeah we all do even Timothy knows why do you think he doesn't tell you when his not feeling well ?
He thinks he'll pressure you and all but hey I don't blame him you have to understand him plus his extra young

Am so gahd damn late will have this conversation when I get back
Okay ?

Yeah sure I mean it's cool if you don't wanna have this conversation

It's not that .
Whatever bye !

Bye love you all Simon will be here to check on you all in a bit ..

Just before I would shut the the door I felt a pull.
I looked down and it was Timothy

Hey Loe

Yes Timothy ?
I love you
Aww I was so happy to hear this words from Timothy well am always happy to hear the those three words from my Siblings except Isha cause she never says it
I love you too Tim
Later !!!

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