chapter 5

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Isha POV

With everything going on my heads spinning I have exams and all but thats not my main concern Ceye was she was lying in the hospital bed ,And khloe is trying so hard to get things straight.

But nothing seems to change everything is the same our finances are still low

I just don't need another death
I loved Ceye and I really try to be the best big sister since khloe never has time given that she's taking the responsibility of our parents which I feel sad for her

Well she thinks I don't k know she works as a sex slave at Millard hotel but I just have to pretend cause she would be hurt and clearly knowing she doesn't want me to know

Nate was on my mind the whole time as I stared at Ceye whilst waiting for khloe to talk to the doctors

Honestly speaking Nate made me feel special a whole lot of special he was well doing,his parents literally owned the whole town I loved Nate so much and so did he despite him knowing what type of family I came from am 18 and his twenty almost the SME age with khloe but younger khloe was 22

You have this ceye you can fight this cancer its going to be alright big sister gaht you ,Me khloe and Timothy need you so much please don't go

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