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I woke to the morning announcement like always. I did my routine an sheared down to the dining hall. I skipped btw.

   I walked in and saw Byakuya, Taka, Celeste, Makoto and Kyoko. Kyoko and Makoto were talking a lot. I sat on my couch and just lyed there fiddling with my fingers. I looked over at Byakuya and he was reading a different book. He noticed. I looked away. He then walked over and sat at a closer table.

    "We keep catching eyes." He pointed out. I crossed my arms and looked away trying to deny it. He giggled. I got up. He looked up at me. I pointed to the kitchen and smiled. I walked away and hid my face because with was blushing a lot.

     I grabbed the ingredients I needed for my iced coffee and stared to create my usual master piece. ( Credits to SHSL_bored for teaching me how to make iced coffee xD)

    And just to put a cherry on top of the sundae, Byakuya walked in. I sighed and put the milk in the fridge. I grabbed a plastic straw and placed it into the cup. I added a few more pieces of ice into the drink.

   Byakuya stood next to me and turned the coffee maker on. He grabbed a cup and placed it down. I sighed again but didn't mean for it to be so loud, but you know it was. "Why do you sigh whenever I'm near you? It makes me assume that you hate me." He said. I rolled my eyes and left. I heard him chuckle as I walked out the door.

    I sat on the couch. I took a sip of my iced coffee. Then I stared at Byakuya's book. I got up and walked over the table and took a sneak peek. 'How to Kill a Mockingbird'  he's reading my favorite book. Then I heard someone behind me. I turned back and of course, it's the noodle.

     "You like books?" He asked. I nodded. "Have you read this one?" He asked. I nodded again. "Hm. I read this a lot, it's my favorite." My eyes grew big as he sat down. He noticed my expression. "Let me guess it's your favorite, too?" He asked. I nodded while smiling. He smirked then opened the book. He started to read and I walked over to the couch. I sat in my spot and sipped on my iced coffee.

    The whole time we were taking sips of our coffees we kept catching each other looking at one another. We rolled out eyes at times. I blushed hard sometimes, as well. I finally finished my drink and went to the kitchen. I rolled my sleeves up and started k wash my cup and just then , guess who's also finished and ready to finish their coffee? Byakuya Togami.

    He stood next to me as I stopped the tap, not even finishing washing my cup. I stared at him and he stared back smirking. I sighed and shut my eyes and turned the tap back on. I finished washing it and let out a deep breath and rolled my sleeves down.  I walked away. "I wonder what your voice sounds like." He said. I stopped. I turned around and walked over to him. I rested my head on my hand as I kneeled on the counter.

    "I'm curious." He says. "Will it be high or low. Squeaky, cracky, raspy, or quiet. Will it be a loud and obnoxious voice? Or will it be soft?" He asked himself. As much as I wanted to talk, I didn't. He stopped the tap and dried his hands on the towel. He then got into the position I was in.

     What the hell is he trying to do? He's trying to get me to talk, well no can do, brother.

    "I bet it's pretty." That's when I got up and rolled my eyes. I crossed my arms. He stood up straight and went in front of me. He crossed his arms as well. "What, can't take a compliment?" He asked. It's not a compliment, ramen noodles. It's a prediction of my voice. I gave him 'really?' look.

    He smirked then turned around and walked away. He opened the kitchen door and left. Thank God. I sighed and leaned on the counter. "What is he up to?..." I asked myself out loud. I shrugged and walked out of the kitchen.

My Little Secret ( Byakuya Togami x reader)Where stories live. Discover now