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  I woke up in a recognizable room. It had white, red, grey walls. And I saw Makoto, Kyoko, Toko, Yasahiro, Aoi and Komaru. Was this-?

      "We are in it again...." Kyoko says. Those words, nobody wanted to hear them, say them, or believe them. But...it was true.

     I sighed, "it looks like it." I looked around , remembering everything that happened. Makoto came up behind me and put his hand in my shoulder. "We got out of here once, and we'll do it again, Togami." He said with hope. I gave him a little smile, but when he walked away I frowned.

     We walked around depressingly. We had to do this all over again, we had to figure out the mastermind again, we had to kill again. Speaking of killing, wheres monokuma? And is there any others?

     We all looked around, until we ended up in the gym. When we walked in, we saw so many students all just standing , being confused, scared, and nervous.
      They all looked at us. One with blonde hair and a piano skirt came up to us and said, "Uh, hey. Is there any more?" We shook our heads. She slugged. "Well, do you know where we are?" She asked. "Unfortunately, yes." Kyoko said. All their faces lit up with hope, as they listened to what happened. Every detail. Everything.

     After we told them, they all looked at each other with fear. "Y-you said there was a bear? Where is he?" A blue-haired detective asked. "That's the only thing we don't know." I answered. They frowned.

      "Well, the best thing to do is create a strong bond of friendship." Makoto said. "So lets introduce ourselves to each other!" He finished saying smilingly. "The only thing we do ask, is to not catch feelings for each other." I said. They were confused but acted like they cared.

   "I'm Makoto Naegi!"
  "Kyoko kirigiri."
"Komaru Naegi!!"
"T-toko Fukawa..."
"Yasahiro , brah."
"Aoi or Hina, I don't mind!"
"Name's Byakuya Togami."

   They all Introduced themselves (everyone from V3 basically) . We have a lot of smart ones here. This will be useful.

     "Ahem!!! Would all students of Hopes Peak Academy listen up please! Look up here!"

    And that's when we heard him. Monokuma.

     He was on the stage sitting down. He looked at us all and laughed. "Puhuhu! I see some familiar faces here! Welcome or Welcome back!! You are all here to participate in a killing game!!!! Puhuhuhu! You all have e-handbooks in ur pockets with all the rules and ur information!"

      "What happens if we kill someone?" A short guy asked. "Oh! What a wonderful question! The killer will get to go home!! NICNICNIC!!" he then disappeared without another word. We all stayed silent. I was frustrated. So we're the others.

    We all talked about what plans to do everyday. Meet up at the cafe at 8am every morning and do not kill anyone. After that, we all went to our dorms.

    As I walked down the halls, I saw it. I saw her room. Her dorm was still here. But why? I stood in front of it. I gently placed my hand on the doorknob, and twisted it open. I walked in slowly, and saw her room. I closed the door behind me and roamed around.

    A tear rolled down my face. Her room smells like her. I saw carvings on the wall. She must've done that. I sat on her bed and felt the sheets. In between the pillows, there was a piece of paper. It was her secret. I remember that motive.

     "Ohhh byakuya, you still love her..." I looked next to me and saw monokuma. I wiped the tears off my face and asked, "why is her room still here?" He shrugged. "That's something you have to figure out yourself. Good luck!" He answered. He then left and announced the nighttime announcement.
      I quickly got up and went to my dorm. I locked my door behind me and payed on my bed. "That's something you have to figure out yourself." What does that mean? Is she still alive? No. She disappeared for four months there's no way. I checked everywhere and she wasn't here. I have to get some sleep. This is exhausting.

You guys have been requesting for an update, and so I did! I did what you asked for. Let me know what you think of it. I had to reread the whole thing because I forgot everything that happened. I haven't wrote in a while either so I hope you liked it.

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