Male kim possible x cuvry wife reader

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You are sitting in the living room of your house watching some tv and waiting for you husband ken possible to finally get back home, from his daily mission. Soon the front door open and you looked up to see ken walking threw the front door with a smile on his face.

Ken " hey there beautiful"

Y/n " hey honey who was the North Pole today"

Ken " cold as usual my I'm more happy to be here in your warm arms" ken soon hugs you and pulls you close to him, ask you can feel his is cold.

Y/n " come on I make dinner and some coffee maybe that can warm you up"

Ken " I will love that honey"

Y/n " so what was the mission about this time"

Ken " so old thing bad guy trying to take over the word giving you his whole plan, and trying to us some ray to help destroy the world and gain power"

Y/n " you think after a while they would of changed their plans, and not give up the whole plan to you knowing you are ken possible the man who can do anything"

Ken " well if they stop that the jobs will take longer and hey why they are talking I'm able to come up, with a great plan"

Y/n " you are right"

Ken " right now I'm happy to be ...." soon ken phone started to go off before you could even get dinner started, he looked at you with upset expression but he soon answered the call.

Wade " hey ken you are need in Paris there are some issue going down and you might need some backup"

Ken " okay wade and I think I know the right person for my backup" ken soon hanged up the call and looked at you p, and you soon looked at him.

Ken " hey want to go to Paris and hey we might be the romantic trip we have been planning while, saving the world"

Y/n " sure I had put bag packed just in case something like this had happened"ken smiles at you and you soon both leave the house and head off to Paris together. After the mission was over with you and ken got to have the romantic trip you guys wanted in Paris.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now