Male young justice x cuvry girlfirend reader

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You are sitting in your apartment living room, minding your own business when you hear knocking. This is hitting it not coming from your door because it would of sound different, you soon look at your window to see one of your boyfriends standing there. You walk over to the window and open it. Soon enough, the mat comes walking into the living room.

Y/n " hey, where are the others."

Wally " right behind me, they will be here shortly" soon enough, the others coming crawling threw the window.

Y/n " so how did the mission go"

Dick " it went okay, but we came to see you verse going to a meeting"

Y/n " oh so I can expect to see your mentors in a few hours or minutes"

Conner " well yes"

Y/n " I want to know hoe did Batman find out where I live, but I don't want to know"

Dick " even I don't know" you soon noticed Wally is looking in your kitchen fridge.

Apollo " Wally what are you doing"

Wally " get something to eat why's dose it look like, arrow boy"

Apollo " back off flash boy"

Y/n " what is going on between you two."

Mat " don't ask it a long story"

Y/n " okay, hey, if it makes you all feel better, we. An order and pizza and have a date night"

Mat " sure we own you one after leaving during the last one, due to villain attack"

Y/n " I understand" the guys soon changed out their superhero outfits and change into their regular wear. You have yet to them your boyfriend mentors, but you had, hear about them when the guys came over to vent about them when they were mad about something.

Wally " so when are we going to meet your family"

Y/n " I don't know when I'm going to meet your family or friends"

Conner " she got us there and she know it"

Y/n " yes I do and my mother dose know I'm dating but I haven't, told her that much yet"

Apollo " well it good she know about us halfway" the pizza soon arrives and you and the guys watch movies together. You are enjoying the time with your boyfriends while, you can before they called away again by some danger.

Hall of justice

Green arrow " give it up flash they are never going to let us meet her, in person"

Flash " fine then when we all just leaned they are dating and Batman, knows something about her but not all about her"

Batman" ......"

Superman " maybe we might meet her sooner or later we can't just make them"

Flash " then we are going to have explain our relationship with the boys, and that going to be weird"

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now