Male sailor moon x short chubby reader

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You can say the last few weeks of you life has been a roller coaster, for the past few night you had been getting these weird dreams that feel like they are weird. You wanted to tell your aunt and grandmother about all these dreams but you knew they won't understand it and say you are being over worked by school.

Y/n " who are the sailor man, the shitennou, prince diamond, prince Endymion" you are walking to school thinking about the names you had, been told in your dream last night. When you soon run into someone almost falling to the floor.

???? " be careful y/n" you soon open your eyes to see a friendly male face.

Y/n " oh hello usko"

Usko " is everything okay y/n Chan"

Y/n " oh yes everything I'd fine .... hey can you let me down please" you soon notice usaji is holding up from the ground a bit, and he soon let's you back down.

Usko " sorry about that I saw you were about to fall and I had to make sure you didn't hurt yourself"

Y/n " your the best usko "

???? " what going on here"

Y/n " oh good morning Mamoru"

Mamoru " good morning y/n so will one of you please explain what going on, because once again you caught people's attention"

Usko " well she was about to fall and I had to caught her before she did"

Mamoru " sure we better get inside the school fast before we are late"

Y/n " okay" all three of you walk into the school building and you soon meet up with another friend, Aki he is walking at your desk for you and usko to show up.

Aki " there you two are"

Y/n " hey Aki"

Aki " hey you have a cut in your right hand" you soon look at your right hand and see a small cut, before you could do anything Aki had placed a bandage on your right hand.

Y/n " thank you Aki"

Aki " anytime y/n Chan hey have you heard the rumors we might be getting some new students today"

Usko " really"

Aki " yeah but their male students"

Y/n " really have you seen them"

Aki " No I haven't" soon enough the teacher had come into the classroom and soon everyone had sat down, and soon enough the classroom door slides open and incomes walking five new boys and you could tell already all the girls were into them.

Y/n " wow they seem different"

Teacher " class please welcome our new students Jadeite, nephrite, zoisite, and kunzite, demande"

Usko " they are not that important"

Y/n " be nice usko"

Teacher " Jadeite you can sit in front of miss l/n and nephrite you can sit behind y/n.... y/n please rise you hand so they know where to sit" you rise your hand and soon enough Jadeite and nephrite take their seats. Soon enough the remaining three guys take their seats in the same area where your desk is placed.

Jadeite " excuse do you have an excuse pencil I can use"

Y/n " umm sure here you go" you look for a pencil in your pencil bag and you soon pass Jadeite a pencils and, a extra easer.

Jadeite " thank you" after whole of taking notes and lectures class comes to and end, and soon enough it time for lunch you were about to leave the classroom with usko and Aki when you are stop by someone tapping on your shoulder.

Jadeite " excuse I will like to return this to you"

Y/n " keep it I have lot of pencils and easer anyways"

Aki " y/n are you come or not"

Y/n " coming bye Jadeite" you soon run out of classroom and caught up with the guys and you all have lunch on the school roof. While you are eating lunch you can feel something was pulling you towards the news guys nut you didn't,want to believe it just yet.

Later that day

You are walking to the park with Aki and usko to meet your other friends that attend different schools from you all. You soon see your other friends standing there.

Minato " hey y/n"

Y/n " hey guys"

Mitsuru " so what new with you three"

Y/n " we have some new classmates they all guys and they seem nice"

Aki " you allow talked with Jadeite and they all seem to be up to something"

Y/n " well until something bad happen I'm going to believe the good in them"

Shigetroa " do I hint envy in your tone Aki"

Aki " oh hush or there is the new guys with Mamoru"

Y/n " hey maybe we should ask them come over and hang ...."

Guys " no"

Aki " they seem to be talking about something important come on let's got get some food..... I will help pay" your head started to hurt badly.

Y/n " I can't I have to get home early .... maybe next time bye guys" you soon get up from your seat and run away from the guys and past Mamoru and the news guys. You soon get home and go into your bedroom no one but you were home at the time.

???? " princess is okay" you soon open your eye and see someone looking at you, you soon notice it a male with blond hair looking at you with a small smile on his face.

Y/n " ......"

????? " princess what the matter is it them again what did they do now"

Y/n " who are you talking about and why are you calling me princess"

????? " don't you remember who I'm princess I'm ....."

Y/n " just leave me alone I'm not your princess or anyone or princess just leave me alone" you soon close you eyes once again and see you are back in your bedroom, and the guy that was in front of you is now gone.

Y/n " what happing to me I'm going crazy" you soon lay in your bed and soon fall asleep, and soon enough you wake up and see you are standing in grassy hill and stand under a cherry blossom tree.

Y/n " where I'm ....."

???? " there you are y/n we have been looking everywhere for you ... you know not to leave the castle without us with you"

Y/n " wait usko is that you"

???? " who is usko is there someone else that has stolen your heart other then me and the others .. is everything fine my dear "

Y/n " yeah everything is fine .... I just confused" before you could say anything else you feel like you are been shake, a s you soon lose you balance but usko or the man that look like him caught you.

Usko " princes is everything okay tell me what the matter" before you could say anything else you wake up in your bedroom and see the guys standing there worried.

Usko " hey is everything okay we heard you screaming and ran up here, and we decided to wake you up"

Y/n " yeah everything is okay I just haven't been sleeping well ...l wait how did you all get in here"

Aki " you told us long who where you keep an extra key and when we heard you screaming we came inside, as fast as we could"

Y/n " thank you"

Aki " come one lets get you downstairs and we can keep you company until someone gets home"

Y/n " okay" you and the guys go downstairs but you can hear someone calling your name in panic way, but it soon sit in the living room downstairs with the other going over homework and eating snacks, but you wonder why did the guy in your dream have the same face as usko and what is happing to to.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now