Spider Optimus x short young femme reader

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Many cyber years ago you and three older mechs went to the planet earth to check out, something that sentinel had told you. He had mentioned this cave on earth they had some cybertron energy cubes, and you all had went there to check it out but let's say it end badly when you all lost Optimus. You see Optimus and his brother in arms Megatron had become big brothers to you, and always made sure to bully mechs away from you. After he had left sentinel had made sure to blame you for the whole things , he want you to be sent away but Megatron had stopped him and he soon took you under his wind .

Y/n " I hope the twins were right about this supply mission" the jets twins and told you that you will have to go get some supplies from earth, from a small ships that used to be owned by cybertron but had been lost. You had wanted to go ask Megatron or sound wave a few more questions about this whole mission but the twins had stopped you and sent you on your way.

Y/n " it say I just have to walk into this cave and the ship will be in there" you soon walked into the cave and show the deceives you had been given, that was tracking the ship. Soon the ground under you started to cave in and soon enough you fall into a hole.

Y/n " aww that hurt .... man now I'm going to hear it from Rachet and knockout for getting hurt" you soon see you had damaged your arms a little bit. You soon see that your com-lick is also destroyed as well , and you knew you had to get back to the ship to make calls.

Y/n " well now I have to see who will lecture me first Megatron, ratchet, sound wave, and knock out or maybe all of them" you soon keep on walking trying to find out a way out of the whole and maybe go the ship you had been tasked to find. That when you heard some voice coming over you com-lick.

Megatron " y/n where are you the twins....."

Y/n " now I'm in trouble big time I'm never leaving cybertron again" you soon hear something coming towards you, and it sound like mental steps.

Y/n " hello who is there"the footsteps sound louder and you soon take off running in the opposite direction, but you hear the footsteps chasing after you. You soon feel like you are about to fall and that when you do but something grabs you, and that when you see it a metal hand. The person soon helps you up and you think it Megatron or sound wave, and you start coming up with something to say to them.

Y/n " I'm sorry Megatron or sound wave I didn't mean to wonder off like that the twins ... wait you are not"

???? " hello little femme"

Y/n " who are you"

????" Hello y/n did you miss me..."

Y/n " Optimus you are alive I was told you are dead" you soon see Optimus face a little bit and soon enough you see his whole face and that when, you see he has changed.

Y/n "......"

Optimus" you don't like what you see y/n" you soon lose you balance and that when you almost fall again but Optimus tips you and moves you away from the edge.

Optimus " got to be more careful little one, you might hurt yourself even more"

Y/n " thank you"

Optimus " your welcome you have become a a great femme kiddo"

Y/n " thank you" you wanted to ask Optimus what had happened to him and why he didn't come home to cybertron.

????? " y/n ....y/n where are you" you hear wheel jack voice and you knew bulkhead was not to far behind from, him and soon enough you hear more people jump into the whole you and fallen into.

Optimus " I have to go if I'm here when they see me... they will think I'm some type of con trying to hurt you" soon enough Optimus leaves you standing there alone and you see soon you are broken in few places. Just the wheel jack and bulkhead show up.

Bulkhead " thank the primes you are alive...what happened did a con do this to you"

Y/n " no I fall in a whole and end up damage myself from the fall"

Wheeljack" come on let's get you back to base and you can get fixed up"

Y/n " yes sir" you had taken one step and that when you legs had given away and you fall to the floor hard, and fast broth bulkhead and wheel-jack came to side to check on you. Soon enough bulkhead had picked you up and carried you out of the whole and soon out of cave. You wanted to tell them about Optimus but you could get the words out, and soon enough you are taken back to the base on cybertron.

Ratchet " you better be happy you are now t badly hurt... but I can't say the same for the jet twins when sound wave found out what they did to you... it was one of their stupid pranks"

Y/n" yes sir" soon enough Megatron and sound wave come into the medical room and they soon start talking, with you about you going on a mission alone and being near a con.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now