Wonderous man x sister reader

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You are the only daughter of emperor hippolto and the baby sister if Dane the great, your brother had powers none of the other man on the inland of Spartans or Amazonian brothers had. You and your brothers were both made of clay but you were more different when it come to how you became, once you brother had become ten your father wished for other child to stand by his side and the geek god and goddesses had given him you. A girl made our of clay and beautiful flowers and the gems with a bright shine to them. One afternoon your peaceful world away from the world of man had come to end when a American pilot crashed landed on Amazon and ran into your brother and the other warrior, you were not allowed to hear what he had to say because your father and brother had forbidden you from hearing or coming to the meeting.

Y/n " Dane" you went to your brother room to ask him questions about the mysterious man but he was not there but you saw, and letter on his bed and ran it and soon found out what he was doing and where he was going. You dropped the letter and raced to the docks hoping to stop him and bring him back home.

Y/n " Dane" you saw your brother and the American pilot about to get into a ship, but when you yelled out your brothers name he stopped what he was doing.

Dane " sister what are you doing here you should be in your bed asleep"

Y/n " I wanted to know about the pilot and come to talk with you and saw you were gone"

Dane " I'm sorry sister but I thought when work there next morning I would be gone"

Y/n " why are you leaving where are you going"

Dane " I have to leave the inland and go save the world of man .... I had taken the trails of the gods and they gave me he armor I need" You soon see Dane is wearing the armor of the gods and you knew it was to late to stop him and bring him home, and you can tell my the look in his eyes he was not going to come home easy.

Y/n " may the gods and goddesses help you on your journey dear older brother"

Dane " thank you y/n and may the look over you while I'm gone baby sister and please don't change that much while I'm gone"

Y/n " I promise ...l here take this if you miss home it will remain your of it" you have Dane a necklace that has the symbols of the warrior on it, and he he took it and hugged you one last time before him and the pilot got onto the plane and left. You watched him sail away and soon disappeared out of your sight and you knew you might never see your brother ever again.

The next day your father had found our your brother and the newcomer had left the inland and he was not happy,but he knew there will be more damage if he went after him. You spent many night wake wondering if your brother is alive and well, and if he was ever going to come home.

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