Mobters x cuvery best friend reader

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You are hanging out in the nightclub with all your gangster and mobsters friends, the leader mobster Nicky has asked you to come dancing with them tonight after you said you had been busting for the last few nights. You have a crush on Nicky but you had started to think, he might of thought of you as a little sister.

Y/n " why did he bring her here as well, if I was going to be the single person the group I could of stayed home"

Tony " hey you have me and terry we are here alone, and some are the other guys"

Y/n " that what you said a hour ago Tony, and some of the other guys left to dance with some other girls"

Terry " hey Nicky might ask you for a few dances"

Y/n " ......."

Tony " we all know you love him and you both will make a very cute couple"

Y/n " whatever you say I think I'm going to head home for the night" you get up from your seat and started to put on your coat and winter glovers.

???? " hey where are you going"

Y/n " oh hey Nicky I'm sorry I can't stay I have to get to bed early I have, some important meetings in the morning"

Nicky " oh I thought you will be able to stay a bit longer"

Y/n " I wish I can but it can't but I promise next time I will stay longer"

Nicky " sure I will have one of the boys take you home"

Y/n " it okay .....":

Terry " I and tony can take her home we are doing nothing here anyway"

Nicky " okay see you soon my dear"

Y/n " okay I will" you soon leave the club with tony and terry and they, soon dropped your off that your house and you wish them a good night. You walked init your apartment and had some tea, you really hope you didn't upset Nicky by leaving.

Y/n " I should just give up he never going to love me, he just think as me as a sister" you are drinking the cup of tea and reading a book, you knew that some point you had to get ready for bed. If you knew you friends well there were times when they had come by your house to come check up p, on your when you left parties early.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now