Sohyu saw a corner space & asked you to sit over their

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Sohyu saw a corner space & asked you to sit over their... He went to bring some water to you
Meanwhile the one who PD want to send for you came & sat across you... You were like y is he sitting across me... You are in shock.. Your praying god to send sohyu soon... That person saw you in shock & asked
? : wt happened
You: ajushi who are you?
? : hmm I'm jimin... Sry you don't know me rt...
You : *you are unable to believe because your not sensing him nor feeling like he is the one..*y-you really... Jimin..
? : ya... You won't believe..
You: y didn't you came to me before...
? : due to some important work..
You are not able to believe that... & you bravely msged minshi as" this shirt suites you"... He got tensed...
JM: which shirt y/n?
You: the one you were & came minshi... Your sitting across me rt..
JM: no y/'s not me... But don't say him that you recognized... Please be normal... Wait..
He called sohyu... PD sent sohyu to another work because he will recognize that person..
JM: sohyu ahh where are you..
SH: I'm in *** PD sent me here jimin shi.... Why...
JM: sohyu ahh... Plz go to y/n...she is in trouble... Plzzz...
SH: wt happened..
JM: someone came to her as me... Plz go to her plzz
SH: ya sure don't worry...
Sohyu came running to you... Seeing him you took breath... But between that time that ajushi tried to touch you.. You didn't allowed him... So he forcefully started to take you to your room... So you were happy by seeing sohyu coming ...
Meanwhile jimin started from home to you..
Ajushi is taking you to your room...

Sohyu started chasing you

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Sohyu started chasing you... You were like"  y are you dragging..  I will come na... Wait... We will go... Be clam"... You are acting like ntg happened... Like you didn't get doubt on him... So he slowed... & soon you reached to your room door & by the time sohyu was next to you ...
You: sohyu ahh.. Open the door... Minshi came to see mee... *signing to him while smiling inside.. As you both know he isn't minshi*
SH: hoon ya... * he is also acting like he doesn't know because jimin asked him to..*
Ajushi: ha.. After opening the door you please go & do your work until I left... Ok.. *he was shocked by seeing sohyu.. But covering it*
SH: hoo ya...
He then opened the door... Switched on the light's & fans.. And silently took a stick from behind & beat him on his knee... He fall down & shouting with pain... You were like" omg what happened " ...
Aju: wt?.. Wt are you doing* with angry*
SH: you said me to do my work.. I'm doing it.. Protecting y/n...* with a proud face*
& meanwhile jimin with his security guard came in... & you started sensing him...
Then jimins bodyguard started beating that ajushi... & asked who sent him..

At the time Your in situation that your not able to understand the surrounding... Your heart is beating so fast because Your sencing him... You became dumb... Stubborn & sat on the chair their near to you by catching your heart.... Tears took their way out of your eyes... & your so week as your not eating from two days...

After beating that person so much , then he
Aju: I will say... I will say...* gulping* P-PD Sent me..
JM: wt... PD sent you? .. Are you joking.. * angrily*
Aju : y do I joke...*he almost shouted* He said if I do this he will give me a job & I'm in need of job so I agreed for this... *in one breath*
JM: wt he asked you to do.. * slowly with curiosity*
Aju: he asked me to act close to her & take some pictures... & send him... That's it I know...
JM: but he is not here rt.. *confused*
Aju: no he is here... Just now we meet..
jimin was shocked with that Statment & then he saw you but your not in condition of listening all of this... Your so done... Your sensing him... Ntg is going in your mind but him... Your not concentrated on what is going on at all...
JM: Hmm ok  you be here I will just come..
*came to you..* y/n  he is not minshi...

You: ya I know

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You: ya I know... *you said coldly & got up & went to middle of the room... your standing in middle of the room... * MINSHI* you shouted* ... MINSHI PLZZZ..... PLZ LET ME KNOW WHO ARE YOU* you shouted again* .. *& crying*
JM: y/n wt happened...
You: * you fac him* jimin shi... I can sence him... I can feel him jimin shi... I know he is her... * you started acting wired* ... Ya ya... I know your here minshi.   Plzzz... Tell me who you are... I will not bother you minshi.. Plzz* crying*.. * fall down on ground & crying your heart out* ... Plzzzz... I just want to see you..
JM: * started crying..  he is not able to see you like that... He doesn't know what to do... His heart is hurting so much... He is becoming soft*
You: * got up wiped your tears.. Went to every member their &  * are you minshi.. No?.. Then you... You are minshi... No... Plz tell who is minshi... Jimin plzz tell him to come out plzzz... *with week voice as their is no energy inside you*
JM: *started crying..* y/n please be clam... He is not here... Plzz be calm... He will come to you soon... I will garent you..  Plzz be clam... Y/n  plzz* tried to clam you

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Omgg... Wt is this PD doing... Wt will happen now.. Will jimin let it go r do anything to PD... Wt will happen next... Will y/n get to meet jimin... Will she be fine... Let's see in further chapter's & sry if I make you cry.. I'm crying toob.. Don't fight me plz

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