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"Wait!! That's actually probably Seryuu! We need to leave!" 

Saisei took out her sword and stabbed it into the ground and quickly grabbed Mine and Pumpkin's case. 

Her wings shot from her back as multiple shots of overly big guns and rockets were heard from the outside. 

Saisei dashed at a wall and kicked through it as the building came down within seconds of Seryuu's fire. 

They came out of the smoke and seen Seryuu up on a perched point. Her array of weapons was quite the sight and her fire didn't stop once they were out of the building. 

"More incoming, Saisei!" 

Saisei went into a zig-zag pattern and was able to successfully dodge most of the rockets being shot at her. 

She then seen one that was shot in front of where she was. And at the speed she was going, there was no stopping and turning. 

"Sorry!!" Saisei then tossed Mine along with Pumpkin into the air further in front of her. 

Mine watched from the sky as Saisei took a direct hit from one of the missiles but came out of the fire and flames looking better than she would have thought. 

Saisei jumped into the air and caught Mine and Pumpkin and then flew out of the range of Seryuu's weapons. 

"We should be okay for a bit of time!" Saisei put Mine down and dropped to her knees. 

Taking a direct explosion like that decreased her durability by quite a lot thanks to the high heat, it might take a bit of time to get the complete durability back so it'd be best not to take another hit like that. 

Mine got out her range finger for Pumpkin and quickly seen the last Rakshasa demon running away. She brought it to Saisei's attention, the girl looked to be freaked a little bit by this. 

 "Damn it! She's calling for reinforcements! If my sister shows up we're in no position to fight!" Saisei forced herself up to her feet. "There's no way we're getting help either, everyone is busy in their own right." 

Mine then walked over to Pumpkin's case and began to assemble it. 

"You go after her! I'll fight Seryuu." 

Knowing how much of a loose cannon Seryuu truly was from her brief time with the Jaegers, she really didn't want Mine to get close to such a person. 

But, she trusts in her skills and believes she can take her out. Remembering that Cecilia was openly hanging out with her earlier made Saisei feel bad somewhat since she saw the aura around the two and it certainly looked to be that of lovers. 

But if she had to choose her sister's life or her own, it's her own. One of them had to die sooner or later, anyway... 

"Right! Seryuu and that demon are too much to keep alive. I'll be back as soon as I can! Good luck with Seryuu!" 

Saisei jumped off the cliff and her wings quickly flashed white. She was gone in an instant and closed the very big gap between her and the Rakshasa demon. 

She turned around and her fingernails shot forward at Saisei. They were quickly chopped down and Saisei jumped into the air and performed a flipping axe kick. 

What was surprising was when her leg was caught, she was simply tossed to the side and crashed into the ground. 

She was quick to get up and pulled out her sword. 

"I was surprised to learn of the others demons defeats. But, it doesn't seem like you were the one to kill them. You're strong, but really, that's all you have going for you." She got into position to fight. 

Akame Ga Kill: Flaming Rebirth (completed)Where stories live. Discover now