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Saisei was out flying in the sky looking for where ever Night Raids base could be.

It was a certainly difficult place to locate. Even with her abilities.

"Where is this place?" She then flew around just a bit more and seen it.

It was quite hard to spot but she saw it after all. She landed a good bit away from it and started walking.

She increased her detection senses and realized the number of wires she had walked through.

They were invisible to her eye which would have been a problem if she wasn't already in her armor.

She then felt hard ripples in the wind and dodged to the side.

Her leg was caught in a snare but she was able to stop herself from moving with her wings.

A man in armor came flying out of the woods and she created her sword blocking the downwards spear strike. Another woman came flying at her and she changed all her senses back to normal and caught the fist of the girl.

She quickly twisted the arm with such force it forced the woman to her knees right away.

She felt more danger from her other side and forced her wing to bend in a way to block the bladed strike. 

They all seemed to freeze.

Saisei knew this was simply to get her to not moving from this point. After all, Akame was just standing there with such anger on her face and yet, wasn't making any other movements.

Mine, the one Saisei really wanted to see, came walking towards them. Saisei slowly, but cautiously, let go of everyone held by her.

"Why are you here?!" Mine yelled while pointing her weapon at Saisei.

"I came to talk. That's all I really wanted to do! I don't want to fight any of you!" Saisei was trying to sound believable. 

"Oh? Then why'd you come in all that armor?" A green guy said from within a tree with his leg swaying.

"Better safe than sorry. If it wasn't active, I would've died a long time ago." Saisei threw her sword down making it disappear. 

"Take all of that off and then we'll talk!" Mine said with anger in her voice. Her hands slightly trembled for the first time while trying to aim a shot.

Why was Saisei so different from everyone else? Anyone else she wouldn't have a single problem aiming her weapon at.

Saisei took small steps forward and her armor came off of her with a blaze of fire.

It revealed Saisei's half-smile.

Mine steadied her hand and wasn't trembling in the slightest.

"You say you wanted to talk. About what to be exact." Akame asked as the Rest of Night Raid joined Mine on their side.

"Making the assumption, that new armorer over there is actually Tatsumi. He escaped Esdeath's clutches not long ago and the General has not been very happy since then." Saisei looked down but back up to her enemies.

"Yes, it is me." He said something for the first time. There was still anger behind his words and she still understood why.

Death was no easy thing to get over and she knew how hard it was. Even with people to help you through it.

"You've already informed them of what I planned on doing didn't you, Tatsumi?"

"Yeah, I've mostly filled them in."

Akame Ga Kill: Flaming Rebirth (completed)Where stories live. Discover now