Ad Finem (Pt. 2)

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Saisei and Cecilia were both on course for the mech that was being piloted by the Emperor, just seeing the mech had caused both of their armors and them to go berserk at the same time. 

It had mostly something to do with both creatures being taken down by the mech. The armors had a much deeper connection to their family and with it, the beast's anger had seeped into them. 

With the speed of the Phoenix, they both gave the massive mech a hard strike, enough to somehow make the thing stumble back. 

"WHO ARE YOU TWO!!!" The Emperor's projected voice came through the mech once again and the twins had gotten back enough control to speak back. 

Though no full control over their actions, if that were the case, Cecilia probably would be helping Esdeath by now. Though her fighting spirit desperately also told her to fight the mech at the same time. 

Both of them were trapped here, basically. 

"SAISEI ARDOR AND I'M HERE TO RIP YOUR TINY HEAD OFF!!!" Maybe Saisei wasn't actually in control still... 

"SORRY EMPEROR, I DON'T... HAVE CONTROL!! YOUR ARMOR IS FREAKING MY ARMOR OUT!!" Though it's not as if she wasn't thinking about trading sides already. 

They both fly forward and straight for the mark they already had hit. It had left a small crack but nothing solid enough to be called a weakness yet. 

Loads of weapons were being shot at them as they fly and they seemingly dodge in and out of the fire with only the occasional bomb or missile hitting them. 

"HAAAH!!" Cecilia summoned her sword to her and disappeared in a straight line, the next thing she was at was her sword slightly embedded into the mech's head. 

The surprise that it had even worked caught her off guard and she looked to her left to see a giant hand swat her away and towards the ground. 

The mech was so slow but the power was no joke still, she felt the entire force of the hit and crashed through an entire building. 

The mech's head turned back only for Saisei to deliver a flying kick to Cecilia's sword hilt that was stuck in its head. She gave just enough force for it to stumble back. 

Saisei disappeared again to gain more speed to strike again but the mech was properly defending itself now too. 


Saisei and Cecilia, who were hoping to get a sneak attack in, both stopped in their tracks as the mech started to warp into something that... wasn't normal. 

The terrified screams of the childish Emperor rang out for all to hear as he called for the Prime Minister. Nothing but lies came back to the Emperor from Honest and once the mech had finished its transformation, it had taken a turn to the ugly. 

The blank face which had a closed hole for the mouth had opened up to reveal jagged teeth. The white metal of the armor had been covered by a red meat-looking substance but just from here, you could tell that it was much tougher than it should be. 

Eyes had grown on the mech's body with one being placed at each shoulder and one directly in the middle of the chest. The main eyes of the Teigu had opened to reveal the same bloodshot eyes of the rest. 

"IT'S THE JIGO TEIGU: PURGE MODE!!" Honest yelled to them as the Teigu had done some sort of yell or screech. 

It had become alive with the emperor still inside. 

"You fools. Trying to go against the empire. AS THE RULER, I WILL DECIMATE AND JUDGE EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU!!!" The massive tattered cloth had flown up on the mech as it threw itself to its knees. 

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