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"Everything hurts..." 

Saisei slowly awoke in a dimly lit prison cell. Her vision was blurry and her arm muscles hurt every time she moved them, even after she regenerated, her muscles were sore. 

"How hard can a motherfucker hit... damn..." She stood up and activated her wings. 

"Ice Frigus!" 

Saisei jumped back and looked to the cell bars to see her sister standing there in armor, Esdeath was standing right next to her and Saisei deactivated her wings and sat against the wall. 

"Ah, so I'm not in some shitty prison." 

"Exactly. So don't try to escape, okay? You'll only die that way and I don't want you to die two more times." Cecilia left her armor and sat back down in the chair that was staring into her cell. 

"So, Esdeath. How's the eye?" 

Esdeath's scowl only seemed to have gotten worse from the comment. She folded her arms and sighed. 

"Perfectly fine. I can't see out of it but now I understand not to make light of your combat abilities. I always thought of you as some sort of brute who broke everything in her way. I was wrong." Esdeath started to walk away and Saisei came up to the bars. 

"You're the sixth person to make that mistake! Just because I break shit doesn't mean I have no ability!" 

"Oh shut the hell up, already!" Esdeath yelled back at her and Saisei laughed. 

She sat down in front of her sister who tilted her head. 

"...You look bored, Cecilia." 

"No, I'm very much enjoying watching you sit in the bloody cell. I haven't been doing it for the past three hours for nothing." Her glance turned as she saw Cosmina coming this way. "Oi, what the hell do you want, vampire bitch?" 

"I came to have a taste of her blood, I'm allowed to do that, right? You won't like... smash my head against the wall, will you...?" She backed off slightly from Cecilia as a downright deceptive smirk appeared on her face. "Damn people were right, you are just as scary as Esdeath..." 

"Of course, have a sip of my sister. I wanna see you drink her blood. Hey, if you like it, you can drink a lot too. It'll be coming back fast if you drink it slowly, she's like a five-course meal for you or something with her regeneration." Cecilia stood up. 

"Oh... I can't say I've ever drunk someone's blood that continuously comes back..." Cosmina licked her lips as Cecilia let her into the cell. 

"Oh you dirty bastard, Cecilia! I'm a taken woman!" Saisei was backing up from the vampire. 

"Oh fuck! I forgot about that! Vampire bitch, back off before I allow her to start throwing fist!" 

"HA?!" Cosmina backed away from the lady and quickly out of the cell. "Man, you people are weird!" She ran away with swiftness in her step like Esdeath herself just said she was gonna kill her. 

"So, what are you gonna do? Torture me?" Saisei said as she yawned. 

"That'd be pointless. We both know that trying that would be nothing but a waste of time. That dumbass Syura might still try it so if he does it just try not to snap his neck, I'd rather you not get your shit broken in half by Budo." Cecilia crossed her legs and stared at her sister. 

"I see. So, are my teammates here?" Saisei was hoping they got away in the end. 

"Oh most fucking certainly. Did you think they could get away with Budo and Esdeath on their trail? Those two together could give us a run for our money." Cecilia scoffed at how this was actually true. 

Akame Ga Kill: Flaming Rebirth (completed)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat