Malum nocte

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It was currently night and Saisei was patrolling around an area close to the empire by herself for these new Danger Beast. 

Well, at first, she was following Tatsumi and Lubbock but thought they were more than enough by themselves to defeat any normal soldiers. 

They were also told that there were no imperial soldiers at all in the area. Multiple Night Raid members were deployed in order to cover the whole area still.

They were, Saisei, Akame, Lubbock, and Tatsumi. 

She was already in her armor and simply flying around looking for any movements at all.  

So far, she's run into about ten and has killed them with ease as she doesn't have to hold back for the area or the people around her. 

She then spots a bush rustle from the sky and returned her vision back to normal and summoned her sword to her. 

She dashed down to the ground and stopped the thing that was moving before it could get away. 

When she actually seen who it was, she put her blade away as it was just Akame. 

"Akame?" Saisei asked, "Aren't you supposed to be on the other side of the mountain?" 

"I'm sure that I killed almost everything over there so I decided to come over here. Aren't you supposed to be with, Lubbock and Tatsumi?" She asked just as quick as Saisei stopped her sentence. 

"They seemed fine without me, so I left them." Saisei's danger sense was going a little bit off at the moment and she looked around. 

Nothing seemed to be in the woods and Akame was a little on edge too. Both had the feeling of being surrounded. 

"Akame?" She asked. 

"Yeah..." She replied. 

"We're gonna have to fight our way out." 

Akame just nodded and prepared for the worst. 

Saisei then felt something behind her, she quickly flipped around and prepared to slam the Danger Beast creature. 

It suddenly disappeared from in front of them and an explosion of dust not too far from them got their attention. 

Out the dust, walked Cecilia in her armor with blood on her sword. 

The Danger Beast creature had been mangled by her crashing into it and it didn't look pretty. 

The other Danger Beast creatures decided to make themselves known and there was a lot more than they thought, there had to be at least thirty of them. 

Akame seemed nervous but it quickly went away and that was purely because Cecilia had shown up. From fighting Saisei, she knows armored heavily armored people are not something she can fight easily. 

"Should we escape?" She whispered to Saisei. "There is no way we're taking out the beast and your sister at the same time, that'd be suicide." She didn't exactly know who to threaten with her blade. 

The thirty beasts or the girl that can move at the speed of light. 

"Akame. Just sit back and watch. We'll handle these things easily." 

Akame was confused as to what she meant, Cecilia then walked over and stared at her sister. 

"Huh, every time I see you, you're always in some sorry state. Can't you do anything when I'm not around?" Cecilia said putting her hands on her hips. 

Akame wasn't too sure of what to do and what these two were doing. 

"Says the one who died two times when I wasn't around. Let's hurry up and kill these beasts." Saisei turned and her sister stood next to her. 

Akame Ga Kill: Flaming Rebirth (completed)Where stories live. Discover now