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Saisei was completely healed and looking out for other members of Night Raid as she couldn't bring herself to hurt Mine or Tatsumi. Any of the others are fine.

Right in the middle of a forest after being tipped off by Hades, she got the gist that someone from Night Raid would be here.

Already in her armor, she spots a person, no! Two people sprinting through the forest.

She jumped through the air and spread her wings and came down like a rocket onto the ground in front of a girl with a REALLY big pair of scissors.

This attack had purely surprised her and she got another attack in with that being a straight jab to the chest making her fly back but not let go of her blade.

She noticed another girl not that far from her and... Mine... she was here as well.

"I knew it." The girl spoke with a bit of anger in her voice. "It's the same face as the wanted poster. You are definitely Sheele of Night Raid!"

She looked over to Mine. "And judging from the Teigu she has in her hand, the other girl must be a member too! Hiding myself night after night was worth it..." The girl grew a smile on her face. "Finally! Finally!!! I've tracked down you Night Raiders!! Imperial Guard Forces, Seryuu Ubiquitous! In the name of justice, I will make you evildoers pay here and now!!!!!" She points a finger to the two members and finally realized that Saisei was next to her with her arms folded.

Truth be told, she didn't listen to a word she was saying, she was lost in the train of thought on how to get Mine out of the fight without killing her.

Seryuu, without a word, knew that her and Saisei wanted about the same thing.

The silence filling the air was so tense and stiff it was overwhelming. Mine was much quicker to fire than the other times they fought and it actually surprised Saisei, not enough to catch her off guard but enough for her to stumble instead of a full getaway.

She then realized, Mine didn't even fire at her. It was at Seryuu!

Has Saisei been figured out? From the way Mine acted two days ago, it was unlikely but she is a trained assassin. Keeping your emotions under control is basic stuff.

Back to the battle, Saisei jumped in and clashed blades with Sheele.

She broke their blade lock and did a hard feint into a kick. It was blocked but made her skid back just a bit.

Saisei jumped into the air and performed a reverse flip kick and gave a flap of her wings turning herself upright.

Sheele recovered much faster than Saisei anticipated and was about to do a horizontal slash on it.

All she could do was brace for impact. She took the full force of the attack and was sent flying only to stop herself in the air.

She took a quick glance over to Seryuu's battle with Mine to see that big ass dog thing mostly destroyed trying to regenerate.

She turned back and Sheele was in front of her with the scissors open.

She dodged the big cut which had a lot of intent behind it that made Saisei afraid of what would have happened if she was caught.

She dodged by making herself turn completely to her back to the ground. She kicked the blade out of Sheele's hand and picked her up by the throat.

One of Saisei's favorite moves came right after, a good old choke slam to crack the nearby ground.

The other battle was broken up do to the pure fact of how much strength she put into it.

They all watched as Saisei cocked back her fist and the crunch of a lifetime was heard with a splatter of blood.

Saisei threw the blood off her fist and bowed to the defeated enemy.

"Requiem tam in morte... you were a worthy foe." Saisei stood up. She looked over to Mine and felt a bit remorseful for doing so, but it was for the betterment of the empire.

Mine gritted her teeth as the dog thing was back up.

"Aw, what the fuck happened to her arms?" Saisei thought as she seen Seryuu missing both her arms and a leg.

The thing that killed Saisei once must have been the culprit on it all. She was sat back and even with three out of four limbs missing, she was as lively as ever.

The dog thing went for Mine as she was too distracted by the brutal death of a friend to actually see that she was about to die herself.

Saisei dived in and performed a spin kick on Mine to get her out of there while she stopped the dog from eating her.

"Koro! Stop!!" Seryuu cried out.

Surprisingly, Seryuu didn't see that as an attempt to save Mine, only as an attempt to kill her. "This girl has a few screws loose... ew, I got a bit of brain on my hand!" Saisei thought as Koro backed up and returned to its master.

Saisei walked over and Seryuu smiled with ecstasy. "It wasn't me to deliver the blow, but I'm thankful to you for taking out that trash! Thank you!" Seryuu gave another big smile.

She was losing a lot of blood and would probably bleed out before anyone else got here.

Saisei crouched down and faced one of her Wings towards Seryuu. "Put the bleeding wounds into these and it should stop it and give you a uh... stub..."

Seryuu did so and with a lot of pain, she pulled out to see she was mostly fine. At least no bleeding.

Imperial forces were starting to arrive so Saisei grabbed the de-headed body of Sheele and threw it to them.

"Where's my fucking money!"

None of them knew what to say, they were actually presented with a body from Night Raid.

Days later....

Saisei was actually given her money and she was in her apartment reading a book as she had nothing else to do.

She doesn't know how, but Seryuu found out that it was her while walking down the street and thanked her for the other day.

She had no idea how she could tell it was her but all she said was, "cup size." and then walked away.

Saisei put down the book and felt herself. "I'm not that flat? Am I?" Hades walked into the room and jumped on the bed. He had came by himself here without anyone dropping him off.

"Hey, Hades... is Mine okay?" Saisei was just starting to realize that she was only thinking for herself this whole time. She is friends with Mine, or was... as she thinks Mine found her out as she's not been here in the past couple days.

"I'm sorry, Mine..." She thinks back to it and her kick actually probably broke a rib and an arm. Along with the death of a friend by Saisei's hands, she wouldn't be surprised that Mine vowed to kill her.

Thinking of it... she could die by her hands! But no, she wants Saisei, dead, DEAD.

"Aw, I fucking hate this..." She decided to go out for tonight. Maybe get her mind off things.


End of chapter 5

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