Carpe noctem

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Saisei and Tatsumi were both standing on top of a building with the moon behind them along with a breeze in the night. 

Saisei couldn't get her mind off of the girl that had contacted her for this contract. She really just wanted to help her to the best of her ability. 

Saisei, at this moment, realized she had a slight weakness for children or just because this was her first time really hearing something so terrible. 

Overall, it was about time they got started killing. These bastards more than deserved a fist through their skulls. 

"You ready?" Saisei asked. 

"Absolutely." You could tell he was just as angry as her. "I'll come in through the wall after you take out the guard outside. You'll come in after me and kill anyone trying to escape."  

This place, from their info, had three important targets and close to fifty guards. They need to kill most of the guards and make sure that the three targets are properly dead. 

"Tatsumi, I'll make sure those guys are dead. I'll start helping you as soon as they aren't breathing anymore. Carpe noctem." 

Tatsumi looked at Saisei and she looked back awkwardly. 

"What...?" She wasn't sure what he wanted. 

"What does that mean? I keep hearing you speak in this other language and you never say what it means." He just wanted to know. 

"Oh... uh, Carpe noctem just means seize the night..." She rubbed the back of her head as it kinda sounds dumb now... 

"Hm, I like it. Carpe noctem!" He said and then looked back to the building. 

Saisei smiled under her helmet but was also incredibly embarrassed at this. She took her gaze back to the building that they needed to clear out.  

Tatsumi became invisible and Saisei activated her wings. She flew over to the single guard keeping watch outside and landed behind him silently. 

She grabbed his neck and quickly ripped his head off and threw it. She pulled out her sword as she heard a wall breaking down. 

She charged right into the building and killed anyone who dared get in her way. Once she made it to the biggest room, which took her no less than thirty seconds, she seen Tatsumi covered in blood and standing in a pool of bodies. 

He surely works fast or got lucky that they were grouped up. Whichever it was, Tatsumi was proficient at killing these goons in record time. 

Some guards were still left and she then seen the targets leave through an escape hatch on the ground on the other side of the room. 

She gave her wings a good flap and kicked through a group of men, either killing them or injuring them enough to where they can't move. 

That's just more help for Tatsumi as eight guys were out of commission. She made it to the hatch and her fingers tore through the metal like butter. 

She ripped off the hatch and jumped down to see Bach and his employers along with three guards. 

They all look scared except for the guards who had stone faces and looked ready to fight. 

Her wings turned silver and she was right at the side of a guard. She took his head and smashed it open on the wall close to her, she quickly turned around and tripped another guard and a good curb stomp to the head had him dead. 

She reached out to the last guard and grabbed him by the jacket. She pulled him close and put him in the air. She dropped him onto her knee breaking his back and she rolled him off, summoning her sword to her. 

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