chapter 41 - shock

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Oikawa had walked you home after you did more talking at the park. He wished you goodbye before walking himself home. You still couldn't sleep even though you had taken a walk. You couldn't believe that he was your now boyfriend. You squeled happily into your pillow, what was with you? You quickly fell asleep after wards. 

:  :

You looked outside the next day, you were almost out the door to go to school. Snowing, it was snowing? You turned back inside and called out to your mother, "Mom do we have school today?" 

"Why do you ask?" she called back clearly busy, "I'm about to start working." 

"Well it's snowing." You explained. Your mother hummed and there was awkward silence, you could the clacking of her keyboard a few rooms away. There was a minute or two before you heard mother call out to you again, 

"No you don't have school today. It was canceled last night." She explained before sighing, "I'm going to start work soon so if you have any questions ask your mama." 

"Okay, thank you." You heard distant humming and a door closed. You left a note for your parents telling them you would be out. After a quick wardrobe change you decided to go meet Oikawa. You knew very well it was early in the morning so you decided to bring a gift, as way of saying "sorry i showed up so early in the morning at your house so I brought this gift to break the tension and I also felt bad about lingering around my house when people were working and sleeping." 

It was barely snowing but it snowed enough for the snow to crunch under your feet and greyish clouds to cover the sky. You were about to turn back, but you were already on Oikawas door step so you gathered your courage and took a deep breath. Before you could even knock you heard screaming on the other side of the door. 

"Hya!" You heard a smack, "That pancakes mine!" This voice sounded younger so you assumed it was Oikawa's nephew, Takeru. 

"No, it's not!" There was a few seconds of silence before you heard Oikawa yell again, "That's payback! For stealing MY pancake." 

Before you could knock you heard a slap and a 'ouchie from Takeru and Oikawa, you then heard a female voice boom, "Shut it you two! Just eat your food already!' 

"Okay! Okay!" You were somewhat bewildered and knocked on the door. 

You heard some grumbling before, you heard someone walking over to open the door. "Y/n! It's you!" 

"It's me!" You mused. 

"What do you have with you?" 

"Oh, just a gift!" 

"What for?" 

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to do something special." 

"That's so sweet of you!" Oikawa cooed before kissing your forehead and hugging you. 

"It was nothing," You laughed. 

"Well, anyways, what are you doing here?" 

"Oh, I just wanted to come say hi." 

"Tohru! Close the door! You're letting in a draft!" An older women called from the counter. 

"Ah, I'm sorry mom. Just give me a second!" 

Oikawa's mom nodded her head reluctantly, "Do you want to come in, we're just having breakfast?" 

"Oh, I couldn't impose like that," 

"You wouldn't be bothering us. We're just having breakfast, beside you can meet my family." 

"Are you sure?" 

"Would I invite if I wasn't sure?" 

You sighed, "Okay, okay." 

"Yay!" He let you in but before you could go into the dining room he grabbed your wrist, "Call me Tohru, not Oikawa. It'll be easier." 

You nodded, "Then you can call me, y/n." Oikawa nodded. 

"Okay, y/n" 

"Okay, Tohru." You said smiling. His name felt foreign in your mouth and you could tell saying it would take a bit to get used to. 

You turned into the dining room, "Everybody this is my date, y/n." 


(more explanation in the next chapter if you want more context for the ending.) 

(as always, this is unedited, like most of my chapters.) 

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