chapter 11

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HANA! You smiled to yourself, it had taken all day but you remembered the girl with the brown-hair-and-red-clip-in-her-hair's name. It was Hana. You took a deep breath. The day had ended and it had been rather uneventful expect from the start. You had felt out of place this morning but you were sure that feeling was over. Iwaizumi was right, you were back to the normal. 

Now all you needed to do was go to your first practice at the volleyball team. You had gotten lost before so you knew where the gym was. You made it there early, no one else was there. You bit your cheek, should you set things up? 

With a leap of courage, you stepped inside of the gymnasium. You looked around, this was the first time you were seeing the gym. You looked around vaguely in awe before you found a closet. You opened the close to find a plethora of sports equipment. You grabbed one of the large volleyball poles and dragged it out of the closet. 

You struggled to set up the two poles but you managed. Lastly, you had to set up the net, the hardest part. You grabbed the net, it was half your size so it was hard to carry. You set the net on the ground and went to go find a chair to stand on. There was no chair but there was a ladder so you took the ladder out. 

You felt a bit uneasy about scaling the ladder without anyone holding it but you grabbed the net and set up the ladder. You took a deep breath and climbed the ladder. Setting up the net was easier as you thought. You went to set up the net on the other side and some players started to trickle in. 

You hauled the ladder to the other side of the net and picked up the net. The players mingled around the gym waiting for practice to start, you were determined to be the best manager ever so you hurriedly set up the rest of the net and dragged the volleyball cart out of the closet. You put the ladder back in the closet and soon practice had started. 

You made sure to check their water bottles periodically, you checked again then sighed. You still didn't need to fill any of them up. You watched the players for a while you hadn't ever actually seen Oikawa or Iwaizumi play, only heard about them. Oikawa had gone to practice his serves and you watched tentatively. 

You soon realized Oikawa serves were something to be feared because when he serves it went right over the net and onto the floor. You flinched from the loud bang the ball made, you were amazed. You took your nose out of the booklet coach gave you. You kept watching them practice, watching them play. It was like power coursed through their veins. 

Kindaichi came over for water, you didn't really notice until he asked you to refill his water bottle for him. He looked hesitant to ask you but he did anyway. You shook the others, three more needed to be refilled. Four water bottles were a lot to carry but you wanted to keep watching them play so you grabbed them and went off to find a place to refill them.  You were to busy looking at the sky to notice where you were going. The sky was orange and yellow, practice must be ending. You noticed they were stretching when you left.

You shook your head, you needed to focus, you quickly turned a corner when you accidentally ran into someone. You clutched the waterbottles you were holding trying your best not to drop them. "Oh, I'm so sorry." You bowed slightly and you turned to leave. 

The person you ran into clutched your arm almost making you almost drop the water bottles you were holding. "Are you-" You were cut off, you had no idea who this girl was but all of a sudden she had you pinned up against a wall. She put her hand on your throat, choking you. 

"How do you do it?" she asked calmly before you could answer she choked you harder and yelled in your ear louder, "How do you do it?" she yelled again. 

You were losing breath and couldn't breath, the girl in front of you started to tear up but you couldn't focus on her. You dropped your water bottles and left the heaviest one in your hand. It was the most full of water. You weakly raised it above your head and hit her with it. She looked bewildered, you took her bewilderment as an advantage and in a panic, you kicked her over using your legs. 

You gasped for breath and quickly and picked up all your water bottles in a hurry. You were shaking all over as you quickly ran into the gym and closed the door behind you. This caught quite a few looks but you sank to the floor trying to catch your breath. 

Tears welled up in your eyes and your hands and feet were cold, your heart was racing. You curled up into a ball and tried to contain your emotions. This had caught the attention of the team but you tried your best to ignore them. Who was that girl? What was she asking you? Why did she hate you so much? Why was she crying? You soon stopped crying but it still felt like you were gasping for air. 

You coughed a bit, someone had put there hand your shoulder. You looked up and saw it was Oikawa he was crouched down to your level and when you saw him you were ready to start crying again so you bit your lip, "Do you want to tell me what happened?" he asked. 

You nodded and he helped you up, he brings you into a hug which you were very uncomfortable with because the entire team was watching but you hugged him anyway, your head on his shoulder. After a good thirty seconds, you let go, your breathing was under control and you weren't crying but you tried not to shake uncontrollably. 

"There was this girl, and she tried to choke me, and she was yelling at me, and I didn't know what to do." You couldn't explain any further it sounded pathetic when you said it but you tried to ignore it. 

"Hey hey, its okay." Oikawa said, "We'll find that girl. Just wait for Iwaizumi and I to change and we can walk home together okay." 

You nodded. 


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