~ authors note ~

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I haven't been posting lately because I have had a lot going on lately. School is starting up soon and I'm a full-time student and soon it's going to be more difficult to post soon. 

I am planning to bring this story to a close soon enough (just a warning). To be honest I was planning for this story to be longer but I didn't think it would take this long. 

Originally I wanted to finish this story by the end of the summer, but as summers ending I can see its not going to be finished that soon. 

As much as I would've liked to make this story as long as I intended school is coming around and I'm going to have less time to write and I don't think I could do the story justice. I might rewrite this someday but if I do I will update you. 

Thank you for reading. If you want me to another haikyuu boy x reader then put them in the comments. 

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