chapter 36 - are you really okay?

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As you walked home you could only think of Sakura and Oikawa, were they together? Seeing them together hurt. You knew you never had any intention of confessing your feelings or even being with Oikawa but it still hurt to watch them together. You sighed, it was getting late, you had just finished Iwaizumi tutor people in the library. 

You were exhausted, you really just wanted to take a nap. You turned around, it was Oikawa. What was he doing here? Oh right, he must have been getting back from Sakura's house. You thought he would've been cheerful but he looked distressed. 

"Are you okay?" You asked worriedly. 

"Ya," he paused mulling over his words, "It's just Sakura kissed me." 

"Oh really, congrats!" You looked over and gave him a forced smile. She kissed him? You sighed sadly, you couldn't control 

"No, no," he paused again looking at you, he tilted his head and took a deep breath, "I don't like her like that," 

"You don't" you asked confused. 



"What's that suppose to mean?" he asked laughing.

"I was just kind of surprised." You admitted. There was an awkward silence that followed, Oikawa was acting different than he normally was, you didn't know how much longer you could take this. Finally he broke the silence with a 'How did studying with Iwaizumi go?' 

"Oh it was fine, we got to tutor lots of kids."  You sighed gratefully as you saw your house in the distance.

"Hey Y/n." 


"Uhm, nothing."  You bit your lip nervously, what was with him? 

"Okay." You paused, and opened your mouth to say something but no words came out so you took a deep breath and tried again, "Are you really okay?" 

"Oh hey look! Your house! We've arrived." 

"Thank you for walking me home, I didn't even notice you were." You laughed sheepishly. 

"Any time, I got to get going." He waved goodbye and you waved goodbye. I guess he was getting back to his normal- Wait a minute. Did he just change the subject? You growled angrily, you couldn't believe you were that easy. You sighed frustrated with yourself before unlocking your door. 

Instead of going to your room right away you stared at the spot you sat that day. Where Oikawa gave you rice and crackers. You blushed slightly before running upstairs to finally go to sleep. You couldn't sleep though. 

You could only stare at the ceiling and wonder, What was he going to say? That moment played in your mind on a loop. 

"Oh it was fine, we got to tutor lots of kids." You sighed gratefully as you saw your house in the distance. You could see the sun setting in the distance.

"Hey Y/n." He called and you redirected your gaze from the sunset to his face. You gazed at the uneasiness in his eyes and it made you worry.

"Yes?" You asked biting your lip filled with worry. His hair was messier than normal and his shirt was all wrinkly. He crinkled his nose slightly before speaking taking a deep breath. The sky seemed to be the embodiment of bliss and it really didn't fit this worried mood between the two of you.

"Uhm, nothing." You chewed your lip, was it something you said? Usually he talked a lot and told you about his day never worrying if he talked to much. You adored that about him, how he could 

You wanted to ask him about it, but you didn't. You weren't usually a jealous person so you were wondering why you were so jealous of Sakura at lunch this afternoon. You no longer felt jealous though, was it because he rejected her. You wish you didn't feel this way, it would be so much easier to go on with your life and just be his friend. 

He didn't like you like that, at least you didn't think. Whether you liked it or not before you fell asleep, thinking of him. 

(this was short sorry) 

*unedited chapter* 

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