chapter - 23

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Soon the day came and you were just waiting for Oikawa to pick you up. Your mothers and grandfather were at the farmers market, you had told them you were going to a birthday party. It wasn't a complete lie, you were going to a party, it just wasn't a birthday party. You didn't know how your family would react if you told them you were going to a pool party with a bunch of guys you didn't know. 

So there you were, pretending to watch the local news. In reality, you were panicking, you had never been to a part before, let alone a party where you were expected to swim. You had put on a baggy pair of shorts and a t-shirt as a cover up. You didn't know what shoes to wear so you just chose some slip-on shoes. You didn't want to be caught wearing the wrong kind of outfit. 

You heard a knock at your door and you flinched. You turned the TV off in a hurry, and answered the door, it was Oikawa. "You ready?" He asked cheerfully. 

"Ready as I'll ever be." you replied putting on a fake smile. You started walking down the street and you followed Oikawa, it must be near if you two were walking there. "Where's Iwaizumi?"

"He said he'll meet us there," You nodded, you wondered if this was an appropriate time to tell Oikawa you barely knew how to swim. You shook your head, as long as you stood in the shallow end you would be fine. Even if you did happen to end up in the deep end you knew how to tread water. 

You thought about it more, while chewing on your lip. What happens if your in the middle of deep end, how would you get out? You could ask for help yes but how do you even ask for help at that point? Maybe you could try to swim like they do in movies. It looked easy enough, you could at least try to replicate it. Oikawa seemingly didn't mind your sudden silence he seemed to be looking around for something. You wondered what it was, "Here we are!" he exclaimed, you ran into his back. 

"Owe," you rubbed your nose. 

"Whoops, sorry about that." He said sheepishly, you nodded and he walked up to the door and knocked on it. Iwaizumi was at the door, I guess he was there first, like Oikawa said. 

"Daichi! More guest have arrived." he called. If you weren't nervous before you were definitely nervous now. It was like your anxiety had boiled over, you tried to control your breathing and you were successful even though you could feel your heartbeat in your chest. 

The guy you assumed was Daichi answered the door, Iwaizumi left and now you were left with Daichi, "Hello! Thanks for inviting us." Oikawa waved. You wanted to let Daichi you were thankful to but no words came out so you just waved. Daichi seemed to respect this because he nodded. 

"This is y/n,  Aoba Johsai's team manager." Oikawa said introducing you, you wondered if you should wave again, or say something. You chewed your lip, before you could say something Oikawa something, "This is where you say hi," Oikawa teased. 


"Hello!" Daichi smiled, he seemed friendly, you liked him already. "I'm captain of Karasuno if you were wondering." You nodded, his swim shorts were black and orange like there school colors. "What are you two waiting for? Come on in!" You two walked in still mingling by the door way talking to Daichi, "Kuroo and Kenma are running a little late, they do live further away than us." You nodded, you realized Oikawa and Daichi were carrying the conversation. You were just some leach, you racked your brain for questions. You were going to ask a question but it was to late, Daichi had already left. It was understandable though, he was the host of the party.

Something then clicked in your brain, "These are the local losers!" You blurted out a bit to loudly. This definitely earned you a few stares. You covered your mouth, no worries just called everyone at this party a loser. 

"What?" Oikawa asked confused. 

"At lunch when you invited me, you were texting someone, you named them local losers and it had a bunch of emoji's next to it." 

Someone then aggressively knocked on the door, "Hey who called us losers!" you flinched. 

You heard someone else calmly address the aggressive voice, "Calm down, Kuroo." 

Since you were standing the closest to the door you opened it. It was a blackhaired boy and a kid with a DS in his hands. You wondered if the DS would get wet or break, you were already worried for the boys DS and you didn't even know his name. You snapped back to reality because you realized you were just staring at the poor kid, "Uh, um, Daichi." You called meekly. It didn't take long for him to come. 

You walked back to Oikawa, "Hey you got to calm down, just relax where suppose to be having fun." Oikawa ruffled your hair. 

"Okay." You put another fake smile. After Daichi was done talking to the black haired boy and the kid with the DS, the duo came up to you and Oikawa. 

"Hey, I bet it was you who called us losers." said the black haired boy. You wanted the earth to swallow you whole, "You've always been so arrogant." Was a fight about to break out? 

Suddenly the mood changed, "C'mere you cocky bastard." said the black haired boy who wrapped Oikawa in a bear hug. 


"Kuroo and I went to the same middle school together." Oikawa explained. 

"I never got to play though." Kuroo pouted. 

You nodded, if this was Kuroo was the boy named Kenma? He looked up at you, "I'm Kenma, nice to meet you." You went red, could he read minds or something? Or were you that easy to read. 

"H-hi Kenma, nice to meet you to. I'm Y/n." You shook hands with Kuroo. 

You looked from Oikawa to Kuroo, you didn't think they would have been friends. Small talk continued but Kuroo caught your attention when he groaned loudly, "Man, why are we all inside? Isn't this a pool party? Let's move this thing outside, people." Kuroo persuaded everyone to go outside and soon enough he had pushed everyone onto the pool deck. 

Soon someone approached Kuroo, Oikawa, Kenma and You. You had just been standing by Oikawa the entire time and listening to there conversation. You admired how social and extroverted Oikawa was. Kuroo seemed to be the same way, they seemed to be okay-friends. This new boy had white and black hair, he seemed really energetic. 

"Bokuto! You're here!" Kuroo hugged the boy named Bokuto. Bokuto waved at the rest of you excitedly. You waved back, Kuroo must be close with Bokuto. You came to the realization that Bokuto probably didn't know your name. You mentally face palmed yourself, you should've told Oikawa you could barely swim from the start, because now you couldn't even get a word in. It was like a game of basketball but they never tossed you the ball. 

to be continued.. 

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