chapter 27 - change

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As you walked to lunch you looked around, fall had come. The leaves littered the ground, the air was cold and dry, the sky cloudy. You couldn't see the sky but you could still appreciate the beauty of what was around you. 

You sat down, not realizing you had been ignoring Oikawa and Iwaizumi, you just stared at the sky, it smelled of rain. You wanted to fall asleep right there, because right now you felt at peace with yourself, with the world. It was a moment of pure bliss and you never wanted it to end, but of course, it did. All good things must come to an end, that's what people said. As much as you hated it, it was true. 

Iwaizumi was waving his hand in front of your face, "Sorry Iwa-chan." You shook your head, "Iwaizumi-" 

"It's okay. You can call me Iwa-chan." 

"I can?" 

He nodded, and you hugged him. You didn't like calling him Iwa-chan because Oikawa did. Oikawa and Iwaizumi's friendship was ran deep and only Oikawa called him that. You didn't want to drive a wedge between their friendship. Iwaizumi being okay with you calling him Iwa-chan was small, but it meant a lot to you. 

You noticed Oikawa had bought a school lunch, you didn't have any lunch today. Probably because you and Oikawa had shared it before school started. You looked at the sky more, was it going to rain today?

You shook off this thought, at the end of the day your question had been answered. As you escaped your final class you stood over the awning outside. It was pouring, you looked around. You guess everyone else got the memo because they all had umbrellas. You wondered if you should just walk home in the rain. 

You certainly couldn't stay here, in movies they always just waited for the rain to stop. In reality, that was unrealistic and crazy, the rain could go on for hours, maybe days. You couldn't just wait for the rain to stop, you opened your phone. Your mother was taking care of your grandfather and sick brother, and your mama was at work. You sighed and tucked your phone away in your backpack so it won't get wet as you walked home. 

As you were about to step into the rain you realized you never gave Oikawas hoodie back. You mentally face palmed yourself, and got his hoodie out of your bag. You slipped it on and put the hood over your head, you would have looked for Oikawa or Iwaizumi to see if they had an umbrella but Oikawa taught volleyball today and Iwaizumi was tutoring other kids in the library. 

As you turned around to walk home again, someone grabbed your arm. It was Akira and Hana, you didn't know they were friends. Today Hana had a purple clip in her hair and Akira looked furious, you wondered why she was so mad. Oh! You did try to fight her last time you saw her...

"Oh, nice to see you Akira! I-I would like to apologize for starting a fight last time I saw you. I lost my cool, it wasn't like me. It w-wasn't okay and-" You were about to continue but she cut you off. 

"Shut up you blathering idiot!" she almost screeched. 

"What do you want from me?" You asked firmly. 

"I want to know why you have Oikawa's hoodie!" 

"How did you even know it was his?" You asked 

"Well for one, it has his name on the tag." Hana stated pointing at it before you sheepishly tucked the tag back into his jacket. 

"Two, I've seen him wear it to school before." Before you could say anything Akira continued, "Oh my gosh, you probably stole it! I have to tell him." 

"I didn't steal it he gave it to me!" You growled. Hana got aggressive and she grabbed you by the hoodie. 

"Listen, this can go easy, or you can make it difficult. Your going to tell Akira your sorry and make amends so she can get close to Oikawa again." You knew you should feel threatened right now but all you could think about was how cool it was that you were being threatened by fan girls right now. They thought you were close enough to Oikawa to be an actual threat, that was laughable. As much as you liked Oikawa, you didn't have a chance. You were just friends. You did feel honored though, that you were cool enough for crazy fan girls to threaten you. "Hey idiot! Are you even listening to me?" Hana yelled shaking you around. 

"Tch, no." You spat. 

"Ugh, you're such a pig!" Hana let you go but before you could walk away Akira grabbed your wrist and pushed you aganist the wall. You felt trapped, closed in, and you started to panic. 

Akira noticed your panic and got closer to your face, "Now that you're listening," she smirked and backed away, still holding you aganist the wall, "This is what's going to happen-" A door opened you couldn't see who it was. 

You could here there soft footsteps come closer and you noticed his voice right away, "I suggest you back away, immediately." Iwaizumi. 

Akira backed away backing up into Iwaizumi "I-Iwaizumi?" She stuttered. 

"It's not what it looks like!" Hana explained. Iwaizumi's head turned to look at Hana, he glared at her, 

"Leave." Iwaizumi demanded, you could've sworn that you saw Hana blush. You always had a hunch Hana liked Iwaizumi but you were never sure. 

"What was that?" Iwaizumi asked once they were gone. 

"They were telling to put in a good word with Oikawa so she'll like him again." You explained. 

"You mean threaten?" You two laughed. 


"Why are you still here?" 

"We didn't have enough people to tutor because of the rain so they just dismissed us, what about you?" 

"No umbrella." 

"You do have Oikawa's jacket though." 

You went slightly red, "Ya I guess, I forgot to give it to him today. So now I have to wash it again once I get home because of the rain." 

Iwaizumi nodded, "I have an umbrella, I could walk you home if you like." 

"No, I couldn't do that. Besides you need to get home, I have a hoodie I'll be fine." 

"If you say so..."  You smiled at him and you were off. 

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