chapter 19

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The sky was pretty and you finished up so you could all walk home together. You assumed that you three wouldn't talk much but you're assumptions were apparently wrong because Oikawa was full of energy. You were exhausted, and it looked like Iwaizumi was tired too, and rightfully so. You could barely pay attention to anything Oikawa was saying. You stared up at the stars, strangely you weren't uneasy because it was night. 

"Is your knee okay?" You asked, you never got the chance to ask and the guilt was killing you. 

"Yup," he replied full of energy, you nodded sadly. 

You took a deep breath, "I'm sorry, I let you practice and I didn't even notice your knee was in pain. I shouldn't have bothered-" 

Oikawa didn't let you finish because he was to busy hitting you in the back of your head, "What did I say?" he asked demandingly.

"I-I forgot." You insisted, at the moment you were just in shock. You couldn't remember what he was talking about. 

He grabbed you by your shirt collar dragging you closer to his face, you were shaking. What was he doing? "I said not to call yourself a bother," You could feel his breath on your face, he let you go then returned to his cheerful and happy state, "because you're amazing. You're too mean to yourself." 

His happy face turned into an overdramatic sad one, you were speechless but you quickly regained your composure, "O-okay." 

"Good," he said cheerfully then returned to his normally calm demeanor while talking about his day. Your heart was exploding inside you're chest, what was this feeling? You hoped your face wasn't as red as it felt. As you walked home seemingly on auto-pilot you thought about what happened. 

You shook your head and just went straight to bed, you were exhausted. 

: : 

You walked to school tiredly, you stopped by the convenience store and picked up some coffee. You weren't normally a coffee person but here you were tiredly sipping coffee on your way to school. 

You entered the school gates and your day was like every other, expect today Kane was still leaving you alone. 


I'm so sorry this is only like 300 words I really tried but I still wanted to write SOMETHING. I may or may not post chapter 20 tomorrow but I probably not. Thank you SOO much for being patient and understanding! :) 

*unedited chapter*

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