Chapter 35 - a change of heart

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Oikawa's POV

I sat in class, taking notes trying my best to pay attention. As much as I tried to listen to my professor drone on about academics, I just couldn't. Someone else currently had all my attention, whether I liked it or not. I glanced over one more time, she was a petite girl with long black hair. She had her eyes on me. 

Normally I was used to girls staring at me, but she was different. She stole glances when she thought I wasn't looking, when I caught her staring she blushed and focused more on her notes. Most girls nervously confronted me, if they couldn't confront me they would just slip me letters. 

Some mornings I would open my locker and find a letter inside. At first I read them so I wasn't rude but after awhile I just started throwing them away. It was a waste of time at this point. Soon the bell rang, and I quickly left to go find Iwaizumi and Y/n. 

Instead, I felt someone tug on my sleeve so I turned around to find that petite girl from my class. She said she needed to speak to me so I pulled her aside and she started talking. I learned that her name was Sakura. She nervously twiddled her thumbs while she talked, "So, I was wondering..." she stopped and took a deep breath, "If you could give me your notes," 

I was confused, wasn't she in class with me? "Why would you need those?" 

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I didn't word that correctly, I didn't understand much that happened in class and..." she stopped mulling over her words, "You know what, I'll just get to the point. Could we exchange numbers or something? I really didn't understand what happened in class. Maybe you could explain it to me sometime." 

I was a bit taken a back, normally girls would just confess there love to me and move on. I would politely reject them and we would both be on our way. This girl was different, she just wanted to study with me. Maybe she could be a good friend to Iwaizumi, Y/n and I. 

"I could explain it to you now, just sit with my friends and I at lunch." I offered, fully expecting her to say no but she accepted. 

"Really?" She asked bringing her gaze from her shoes to my eyes. 

"Ya, is that okay with you?" 

"Of course!" she replied happily. I walked her to where Iwa-chan and Y/n ate lunch. Lunch went well and I introduced Sakura to Iwaizumi and Y/n. Iwaizumi was used to my antics but he looked rather surprised and annoyed that I brought Sakura with me. 

I didn't understand his annoyance, I was just tutoring her? She was a new potential friend and Iwaizumi wasn't one to turn down new friends. He welcomed Y/n with no problems, so what was the difference between Y/n and Sakura? I sighed frustrated, "So is this the answer?" Sakura asked. 

I glanced at her answer to lazy to check the work, "Oh uh ya." 

"Great, thank you for this." Sakura sighed happily and looked nervous again. I tried focusing on Sakura but now my focus was on Y/n. Why was Y/n accepted by Iwaizumi but not Sakura? I could tell by the way Iwa-chan looked at her that he was uneasy. We were best friends, I knew these things. It was like we had this unspoken understanding of each other that Y/n didn't seem to pick up on. 

Who's this? He seemed to ask. 

What's with you today, why does it matter? I questioned with my eyes. 

"Iwaizumi? Iwaizumi?" Y/n asked waving a hand in front of his face. 

"Huh?" He turned to Y/n. 

"I was asking if you're tutoring those kids in the library today, I'm free today so I was wondering if I could help out again." Y/n asked. Iwaizumi and Y/n kept up there conversation and Sakura was droning on about something. It was probably important. 

"So could you come over?" 

"Huh?" I internally panicked, but I was good at hiding my confusion and panic at this point. Why did she want me to come over? 

"I was asking if you could come over, silly." 

"Um, sure whatever." I agreed blindly, I turned Iwaizumi, he looked frustrated. I looked at Y/n they looked like was going to cry, but maybe I was just bad reading facial expressions. I studied there expressions a bit more carefully. Her face was red and she was biting her bottom lip which seemed to be quivering. Her eyes looked like it hurt to look at me. I couldn't listen to what they were saying to Iwaizumi because Sakura's voice filled my ears.

Iwaizumi and Y/n waved goodbye and I waved back absentmindedly. 

:  :

Soon school ended and somehow I was walking home from school with Sakura. Before I knew it I was taking off my shoes at her front door and thanking her for inviting me over. I sat with her at the dining room table while drinking tea, I wondered why I was here in the first place. She probably said something about why I was here, I just wasn't paying attention. 

"So should we get started?" she asked before taking my cup for me. 

"Sure." I smiled warmly

"Do you have it in your backpack?" she asked. 

"The papers for (insert class here) class?" 

"Yup!" She giggled before leading me to her bedroom. We both went up to her bedroom and studied and worked on homework, and projects from other classes. 

:  :

Soon enough it was getting late, and we were both tired.   "I should get going." I ran my fingers through my hair groggily. She nodded in agreement, "Thanks for studying with me, it was really nice." 

"You think so?" She asked pushing her hair behind her ear. 

"Yup, I-" She cut me off when she envolped me into a warm hug. 

"Thanks so much, Oikawa." 

I hugged her back feeling uncomfortable, "Uhm, ya. Your welcome." She pulled me away and looked from eyes to my lips. I looked at her slightly confused, "Are you-" I started but she kissed me. She kissed me? Why? She liked me? 

I pushed her away, "Sakura, I don't like you like that. I'm sorry if I lead you on or anything like that it wasn't my intention, honest." I took a deep breath and bowed slightly, "Thank you for studying with me." I walked out to in shock to say or do anything else there. 

I walked home in shock, did she like me? I guess there was signs, now I kind of understood why Iwaizumi was so annoyed with me. Usually, I tried not to have lunch with fan girls. He must've seen through her act. I sighed, and thought about it. Sakura did remind me of Y/n in some ways. The way they looked at me, the way I caught them staring at me when they thought I wasn't looking away, the way they got flustered when I got to close, hugged them,  or complimented them even.

Now that I thought about it, did Y/n like me? The more I thought about it the more I noticed how much she liked me. I was in shock, I never knew. I never actually thought about being with Y/n. I only saw them as a friend. 

I sighed looking at the sky, what do I do? As I stared at the sky I decided I wouldn't do anything, Y/n would confess in time. You wondered if they would ever confess, they were pretty shy. You thought about it, they had liked you for awhile now, the furthest you could think was the pool party. They had liked me for ahwile now. 

I didn't know what to do with this new information, should I tell Iwaizumi? Should I talk to him about it. I shook my head, of course I should. I always tell him these kinds of things, I didn't want to keep anything from him. 

Then, it was decided. 

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