chapter - 33

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You woke up groggily and barely managed to open your eyes, after a minute or two of laying around you realized you had come down with a fever. You stumbled down the stair well to your mother making lunch, "Mom, I think I'm sick." You mumbled. 

She nodded and walked over to take your temperature, after a few awkward moments of silence she read your temperature and hummed, "Yup, you are sick! Do you think you'll be able to go to school?" You shook your head no, and she thought about this, "Are you okay with staying here alone?" You nodded your head yes, "Okay, well I have to go to work. Okay? Your mother is out for the day with your grandfather, they won't be back till tonight." 

"Okay, I'll be fine here. I'll probably just watch TV and snack." You admitted. 

"Okay, rest up so you can go to school tomorrow okay?" You nodded and soon your mother left for work and you went back to your room. You crawled onto your bed, you turned your head so you could glare at your phone, you should probably tell Oikawa or Iwaizumi you were sick. You didn't want them to worry. 

You tiredly grabbed your phone, how were you so exhausted when you just woke up? You looked for the first person in your phone, since I came before O you clicked on Iwaizumis content lazily and called him. After a few rings he picked up, "Y/n?" 

"Iwaizumi..." you called while staring at your ceiling and taking a deep breath, "I'm sick and can't make it to school today." 

You tiredly closed your eyes but kept talking, you appreciated Iwaizumi's patience with you, "Could you tell Oikawa I won't be in today? Could you also pick up my homework?" 

"Of course. Get well soon. I have to go school so I'm going to let you go okay?" 

You nodded but remembered that he couldn't see you so you only gave a weak "Mhmm," Once he hung up you gave a dry laugh. You didn't do much but curl up in bed trying to go to bed, soon you fell into a deep sleep. 

:  : 

You woke up to distant knocking on the front door, what time was it? You looked around and without thinking meekly went to the door. Normally you would check who was at the door before opening the door but today you weren't thinking straight and you opened the door without checking. You were sleepy staring at the persons shoes. 

You slowly rose your head to look at their face, they were wearing your school uniform. You looked at their face, it was Oikawa. You leaned against the door frame, "Oikawa?" 

You looked behind him, why was he here? What time of day was it? "Y/n? Are you okay?" He said waving his hand in front of your face. 

You stared at him blankly for a second before responding, "Yup, a-okay." You took a deep breath, "What time is it?" 

"What do you mean, school just got out?" 

"Oh," Wait a minute, "Does that mean I slept through the entire day?" 

Oikawa laughed uncomfortably, "I guess, so? Here I think you should come inside." Oikawa nudged you outside and you followed him, "Here take a seat." You sat down thinking nothing of it. 

You had so much to say but not enough strength to say it, like what are you doing in my house? Where's Iwaizumi? Why are you rummaging through my fridge? Why'd you show up to my house? You tiredly rested your head on your arms, "What are you doing?" 

"Getting you a snack." He said putting some crackers and left over rice in front of you. 


sorry this is so short, I'm kind of sick right now. until i get better chapters will be pretty short. thank you for understanding :) 

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