chapter 32 - rain

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Ever since that wild dream, you weren't sure how to act around Oikawa. It was such a strange dream too, one minute your kissing and hugging the next he has a plan to murder you. You tapped your pencil against your desk, deep in thought. Now that you thought about it, Iwaizumi and Oikawa were taking there test right about now. 

You wondered how they were doing, they had studied hard so you hoped they did well. You know they had volleyball practice and inter-high prelims to worry about so you hoped they did well. You stopped tapping your pencil and stares out the window, it was a cloudy day and the sky was dark grey, it was probably going to rain today.

Luckily, today you had come prepared with a heavy jacket. You didn't like bringing umbrellas to school, they were to bulky and took up to much space. You also didn't like having to carry some umbrella around all day. You looked at the clock, school was almost over. Just a few more minutes...

The bell rang and you hurriedly walked up the stairs to Oikawa and Iwaizumis classroom. Normally on rainy days you would meet Oikawa and Iwaizumi in the gym for practice instead of outside. Normally the team would do some warm ups outside before entering the gym but on rainy days you guys just met inside. 

You could just barely catch up to Oikawa since there was so many people in the hallway leaving campus. You reached out and weakly grabbed the back of his uniform tugging it lightly. He turned to you not saying anything, he only grabbed your hand. 

It was only now you realized that the reason Oikawa grabbed you hand was so he didn't lose you in the crowd. You were currently stuck behind a couple of third years until Oikawa pulled your hand so he was standing next to you and Iwaizumi. "Hi Iwa-chan! Hi Oikawa-senpai!" 

"Hello, may I ask what you're doing up here?" Iwaizumi asked but you were still kind of flustered from Oikawa still holding your hand so you didn't give the best answer. 

"Uh uhm, I wanted to know how your test went." 

"It went well." Iwaizumi said. 

"Ya, it went well thanks for asking." 

"Why are you still holding my hand?" You blurted, you hoped your face wasn't as red as it felt. 

"Oh, you might get lost. You don't know you're way around this floor do you? Also there's kind of a crowd so I didn't want to lose you." You nodded and you three made it outside, and he let go of your hand as you walked outside, "There you go." 

You nodded again and the rain felt good against your skin, you and Iwaizumi and Oikawa parted ways. You made your way to the gym and they went to the gym. At practice you noticed Oikawa's knee was better, it no longer held him back on the court. You could still tell he was trying to make up for it though. You reminded him to not strain his knee, you didn't want it to get injured again. You could also tell that even though his injured knee wasn't as much as a hinderance as it used to be sometimes it still bothered him. 

"Sorry, my bad." He apologized as he made a faulty serve. He hadn't even hit the ball, you supposed he had jumped wrong. After stretching a bit he spun the ball in his hands and jumped again before hitting it performing the well-known serve Aoba Johsai was know for. Oikawa grabbed another ball and practice continued. 

You grabbed your bag, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and you had stayed longer so they could practice more. "Jeez it's only a little while and it's pouring..." You mumbled to yourself.

"What was that?" Iwaizumi asked.

"Oh, nothing, I just said it was pouring.

Iwaizumi nodded, "Are you going out like that?" He asked looking at your school uniform. 

"No I have jacket," You picked up your bag and put on your jacket, "See?" 

Iwaizumi nodded and turned to Oikawa, "You ready?" 

"Yup." He replied before the both of you headed out. You all started walking home, you flipped up your hood. "Since when did it start raining this hard?" 

"I don't know, my clothes are still drying from walking to the gym without my jacket." You said gesturing to your damp clothing. 

"Well that's what you get for being a dumbass." Oikawa stated blatantly. 

You scoffed, you didn't expect him to say something like that. "Hey! How was I suppose to know it was going to pour like this?" 

"Weren't you the one told us it was going to rain today?" Iwaizumi asked smiling. 

"Well, ya..." You paused not knowing how to respond. 

Oikawa laughed, "Such a dumbass." 

You went a bit red, "Whatever," You mumbled

"Just don't get sick okay?" Oikawa said. 

"Huh? Oh Okay."  As you walked your conversation continued. It was a nice day despite the rain, and the next day as you could recall, it was still raining. For the next few days it was raining and your weekend was sunny and uneventful. 

to be continued...       

*unedited chapter*

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