chapter 3

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Up until last night, you thought that you getting a friend while homeschooling would be hard, but apparently it was quite easy. You distractedly strummed your guitar but decided to put it down since your mind was racing. You laid back down on your bed thinking about all that happened today. Your thoughts were interrupted by a ping from your phone. 

You picked it up, it was an unknown number. 

??? - Hey it's me! Oikawa

Me - Oh hi Oikawa, did you get home okay? 

Oikawa - I did, thanks for asking. I assumed you got home great too? 

Me - mhm 

Oikawa - I was just checking in to make you got home okay. 

Me - Okay, goodnight

Oikawa - gn 

 You put your guitar away and said goodnight to your family. You woke up the next day and it was surprisingly cloudy for yesterday's boiling hot weather. You went along with your daily routine but today you decided to go for a run before you started your schooling. You stepped outside and took a deep breath you loved the scent of the morning air. It was slightly foggy that just added to how pretty it was outside. 

You were a very slow runner, probably because you stopped to look at wildlife, small animals, and housecats who happened to be roaming the neighborhood. Every day on your runs you passed Karasuno High and every day you stopped to look at it. 

The school was not much to look at but you always liked to stop and wonder what it would be like to go to school there. It was such a beautiful morning you decided to run a bit further. There was no rhyme or rhythm to where you were running you just decided to run whatever path had more wildlife. This obviously wasn't a very good idea, you could probably end up getting lost. 

You stopped, to look at the flowers in front of someone's house adoring how pretty they were. You turned around to see a large building. the sign in front of it read Aoba Johsai High School.  You recalled your conversation from last night, Oikawa said he went here didn't he? It was a bit too foggy to see it properly but you just imagined what it looked like on the inside. 

You looked around you, not recognizing where you were. You sighed, you were lost, of course. You pulled out your phone, luckily you were at a recognizable location. Your phone was able to guide you home. 

As soon as you entered your home your mother was angrily arguing with someone over the phone. "Y/n please come over here, I need your input on something." your mother called. Your mother took a deep breath and looked you in the eyes.

"Mom are you okay?" 

"Your mama and I were just wondering if you were ready for school?" she asked, I could hear the worry in her voice. Instead of getting anxious or shy like usual, you thought of Oikawa. Maybe we could go to school together? Oikawa seemed like a nice person and he said his school was okay, so maybe the people there were nice too? 

You took a deep breath and mulled over your thoughts then spoke up, "Ya I could go to school." 

Your mom rushed around the island and hugged you, "Are you sure you're ready?" 

"Yes, mom stop worrying."  

"Ya, stop being such a worrywart, they're a strong independent person."  The voice from the phone said. 

You smiled at her, "I'm going to my studies, love you mom, love you, mama."


Sorry, this chapter was short, I just wanted to get something out there. In case it wasn't clear y/n has 2 moms the way you can tell them apart is one is referred to as mom/mother and the other is referred to as mama. I will give them names in future chapters but y/n and the brother will refer to there mothers as mom and mama. 

thanks for reading ;) 

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