chapter 15

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Even though you were scared to walk home past sunset, you did so anyway. It was worth it to walk Oikawa home. You still weren't sure how to comfort Oikawa and this frustrated you. You decided to run the rest of the way home. 

As you finally made it to your room you stared at your guitar. You rarely got a chance to play it anymore, you picked it up strumming a few chords. Your eyes widened, you had a new song idea. You stayed up late trying to grasp the idea for your new song. 

: : 

You woke up with dark circles around your eyes, you had barely slept but it didn't matter. You had written a new song, and picked up for the first time in a month. School had recently killed your drive to write new music, school exhausted. You trudged to school tiredly, you finally made it to school. 

You stared at the sky, it was so great and blue. You felt the cold air blow against your face, summer was ending, and fall was starting. The leaves hadn't started to turn red and orange but you could feel the air getting stiffer and colder. 

You realized that you had been standing in front of the school for too long so you hurriedly made your way to Iwaizumi. "Where's Oikawa?" you asked looking around, "He's usually never late." 

Iwaizumi shifted his weight from foot to foot, "I don't know." There was an awkward silence.

"Should we visit him after school if he doesn't show?" You paused thinking, "We'd have to wait till after school though." 

Iwaizumi nodded, you weren't used to being the one doing most of the talking. Usually, you were doing most of the listen. You wondered if you should bring up yesterday or note, you decided not to. "Should we bring him anything?" 

"Like what?" 

"A snack, he could be sick or something." 

Iwaizumi nodded again, you flinched under his gaze. You took a deep breath regaining your composure, "How are you?" The conversation continued like that until the bell rang. The class was uninteresting, your day was bland. Everything felt black and white without Oikawa there. Even managing the team that day felt more dull than usual. You finished organizing the paperwork on your clipboard. You wrote down a few notes. 

"Are you ready to go?" asked Iwaizumi. 

You nodded, "Do you know his favorite food?" you asked while walking to the convenience store. 

"Milkbread but I'm pretty sure we can't buy that at a convenience store." 

"What should we get then?" You asked walking into the convenience store. Iwaizumi shrugged, you paced the aisles then picked up a candy bar, "Hey Iwa-chan-" You stopped in your tracks, did you just call him Iwa-chan? We needed to see Oikawa more than you thought. You shook your head, "Hey Iwaizumi, do you think he would like this?" 

Iwaizumi looked amused, "Iwa-chan?" 

"Tch, whatever." 

"Why are you asking me he's your friend too?" 

"You've known him ten times longer than I have, why can't you just tell me," 

Iwaizumi laughed, his laughter was infectious, so you laughed too, "Ya, he'd like that." You bought got two for him and paid. "Hey, can you lead the way for a bit I need to text my parents." Iwaizumi asked.


"Wait, do you know the way." 


You walked in what you thought was the direction to his house. You thought you were doing great, keyword being thought. You stopped walking, Iwaizumi got off his phone but he wasn't paying attention so he ran into your back. "Why'd you stop?" he asked looking around. 

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