chapter 2 - impossible

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Y/n had been homeschooled since grade three, primarily because they were so antisocial, they're parents thought they just weren't ready for public school. Now on a boring summer day, they watched the local news. Y/n was bored out of there mind looking for something do. "Ugh, are you ever gonna go anywhere?" your brother hissed at you disapprovingly. 

"No." you stated blankly. Your brother and you were total opposites, he was pessimistic, outgoing, with plenty of friends. You were more introverted, creative, and quite frankly, friendless. 

"Well, mom wants us out of the house so she can clean." your brother informed you. 

You got up and slipped your shoes on lazily, "Are you really going out like that?" 

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" you asking looking at your outfit. 

"You look like you just rolled out of bed-" he paused sighing deeply, "you know what, I don't care just leave." 

You laughed and walked out of your small house. It was a sweltering hot day outside, but the sky was pretty you thought looking at the cloudless sky. You decided to walk around town until you're mother informed you she was done with her cleaning. Sweat dripped down your face, maybe you should find some shade before you come down with a heat stroke. You came across a small convenience store and decided to browse. 

You didn't actually have any money but it was very humid out and you enjoyed the cold air inside the small shop. The air was seemingly infected by the cigarette the shop keeper was smoking but you didn't mind. You pretended to browse for items. A bell rang at the front of the shop and two more people came in.  

One tall boy who looked about your age and a little kid who looked around ten years old. They both looked as exhausted as you were, except they had actual money to spend. I dug around in my pockets for any loose change as the two people turned onto the aisle I was on.

 Nothing, they were empty. I pulled out a dust bunny and shook my head. I put the dust bunny back in my pocket not wanting to litter the store with my trash.  I turned to walk out of the store, what if he thought I was stealing something? Or what if he thought I trashed his store or ruined it? What if he thought I was rude because I didn't say hi when came into his store? 

I held my breath and grit my teeth as I walked out. He didn't say anything. As soon as I walked out I took a deep breath and tried to control my breathing. I stopped shortly and took control of my breathing. I was being silly, I thought trying to stop this anxious feeling. 

I looked up at the sky, putting my hand up trying to avoid eye contact with the setting sun. There were more clouds in the sky making the sunset look like a masterpiece. The two people walked out of the store. You must've been staring at the sky for quite a while because the boy about your age came and tapped you on the shoulder. 

His touch sent a shiver down your spine, "What are you looking at?" he asked curiously. 

"Uncle! Can we just go home you said we could go home after this?" the kid whined. 

"Oh, uhm I was just appreciating how pretty the sky looked right now," you said smiling to cover your anxiety. 

He nodded, "Can I watch it with you. I never have the time to." You pondered his request, what if he was some killer or some guy coming to kidnap you? I looked him up and down, he was tall and a bit muscular but it looked like I could take him in a fight. I think. He was my age and had a kid with him so I decided to trust him but keep my distance.

"Checking me out now are we?" The boy chuckled. 

"Huh? No way!" You said a bit too loudly surprised. Hopefully, he wouldn't notice how anxious you were. 

The boy laughed, "I'm Oikawa and this is Takeru, what's your name?" 

"I'm Y/n," you said forcing a smile and a wave. 

The little kid, Takeru, whined, "Uncle can we just go already what are we even looking at."

"Were looking at the sky Takeru, come here," Oikawa said tiredly. Oikawa hoisted his nephew onto his shoulders to look at the sunset. "I go to Aoba Johsai, where do you go?" 

"I'm h-homeschooled actually. What's your school like?" I asked as the sunset behind the hills. You weren't afraid of the dark, it just made you anxious. Hopefully, he didn't notice your stutter you fretted.

"The schools okay I guess." he shrugged. Suddenly a realization came over you. Oikawa is a potential first friend. You hadn't gained any friends since homeschooling, mostly because you were kind of a shut-in, to be honest. 

"Uncle, the sunset is over already can we go home now?" 

Oikawa laughed, "Yes, yes, your so impatient Takeru." Oikawa turned to you and smiled cheerfully, "Thanks for letting me watch the sunset with you. See you around?" 

"Ya sure, goodbye." You said in a daze waving. You wondered how someone could be so talkative and friendly. You snapped out of it then remembered if you let him walk away now, you would lose your first potential friend. 

You mustered all your courage and ran to catch up to Oikawa. "Hello?" he asked confused. You tried catching your breath and looked up to him.

"Could we be friends?" you asked twiddling your thumbs. "It's okay if you don't want to, we just met and-" You were going to continue but you heard Oikawa laughing at you, you wondered what was so funny. 

"Of course we can be friends, stop being silly." He stuck his phone out to you, "Here put your number in my phone." 

You wanted to cry, and tears threatened to fall. You finally had a friend, and he was nice and talkative. You quickly put his number in his phone and wiped your tears away with the back of your hand and handed back his phone. "Oh my gosh, are you crying? I'm so sorry what did I do? Iwaizumi tells me I can be a jerk without realizing it-" You cut him off. 

"No, you're okay. It's just your my first friend since being homeschooled." 

Oikawa hugged you, "You're adorable. Do you know that? Now I have to get going my parents are probably wondering where I am. I got a little sidetracked you know?" You both waved bye to each other and your phone binged in your pocket. 

Mom - y/n?  I'm done cleaning

Mom - y/n, where are you? 

Me - I'm walking home now. 

Mom - Good. Don't scare me like that next time.

I stared up at the first stars gleaming in the night if it wasn't obvious you loved looking up at the sky and often got distracted in your own thoughts. You walked into your house and your mom hugged you tightly. "What held you up?" 

"Just talking to a new friend." You smiled happily. 

"Someone wants to be your friend?" asked your brother surprised. Your mom scowled at him and he flinched and went back to his dinner. Everything tasted so much better when you had a friend. When you got to your room you span in a circle excitedly and fell onto your bed dizzily. 



I hope you enjoyed it :)! Feel free to leave constructive criticism in the comments!

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