Chapter 22- Shadows P.2

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Between so many deadly weapons that someone can use against us, the most deadly of all is our own minds. Making us regret our darkest secrets and doubt ourselves. The mind is so powerful but the most useful it can be the most dangerous can become.
I walked to Mary's house, even if I tried it was impossible not to think. It hurt me just the thought of losing Elsa, after finding out the truth she wouldn't want to know anything about me ever again.
When I finally got to Mary's house I knocked two times at the door before she opened it.
-Angel come in- Mary said
-Do you know anything about a master dagger?- I asked
-It takes power away but it was only used to take great power from millenniums ago, there is no point to look for it now- Mary says and we both seated
-Well Daniel is looking for it- I said
-How he found out about it?- Mary asked
I could see the fear in her eyes
-I don't know a ghost told me, which means someone opened the door of the other side- I said
-It must have been him- Mary said standing up
-But why?- I asked
-They know everything, if he finds the right person of the right time he is looking for, he could not the exact time to go back into the past, it needs to be precise if it's not he could be lost in time, no way of coming back- Mary said
-Maybe we should let him go and see what happens, finally the miracle of not seeing him again- I said
-No if he finds the ghost, we're lost- I said
-So who we need to look for?- I asked
-Your.... I mean my mother- Mary said
-Where do we start?- I asked
-She will come to us, she is 26, she died when I was one year old, but I can remember her face- Mary said
-one year old.....?- I asked
-I talked to her after that, remember I'm a witch- Mary said
I could feel the presence of someone in the house, but I wasn't quite sure until I saw her, a woman in her 20s, I figured out it must be Mary's mom but the part that actually scared me was how much we looked at like, some of her face traits were just like mine, the thick eyebrows was one of them.
-Mother, this is Angel, Daniel's daughter- Mary said
-Daniel wants to talk to you about the master dagger, if anything don't tell him a single word- I said to Mary's mother as I stood up from the couch
-Well hello to you too- Mary's mother said
-Well I like to get to the point... What's your name anyways?- I asked
-Madeline- The woman said
-Okay Madeline, you know who Daniel Black is?- I asked
-Of course I know him I wish I never met him, is there is someone who could related to a cold-hearted monster that's him, I did the impossible to send him away from Mary but she wouldn't listen,when she wants something, she does everything to get it- Madeline said
-Do you know where is exactly the master dagger?- I asked
-You have it- Madeline said
-What?- I asked confused
-When I was still alive I saw him coming but I also saw my death, I couldn't leave the dagger to Mary, because he would have found it- Madeline said
-What does that has to with Angel?- Mary asked
-If you saw your death why didn't you do anything to stop it?- I asked
I thought it was stupid, if people knew when they were going to die I'm sure they will try to stop it.
-Sometimes you need to let it be, it was my time to die, if I hadn't much of the things today will be totally different the past, the future, the present are things you can't mess with, even if someone here did- Madeline said
-I still think if I was able to know I was going to die I would have stop it- I said
-Right? That's what I told her- Mary said
-The master dagger?- I asked
-You have it inside you, I put it there- Madeline said
-It's inside me- I said, I was about to kill her even if I knew she was a ghost already
-In your low back just where your tattoo is- Madeline said
-Then let's take it out- I said
-No, while it's there it's save- Madeline said
-Easy for you to say you don't have a weapon inside of you- I said
-Well...- Madeline was cut off by the open, which it was opened by Andrew
-Hey, I talk to.. - Andrew stopped talking when he saw the ghost in front of him
-Who's is this?- Andrew asked
-Andrew, I didn't expect you here- Madeline said
-And she knows my name...- Andrew said
-Madeline, Mary's mom- I said
-She looks younger than Mary.... No offense- Andrew said
-Not taken- Mary said
-Well I talked with my sister- Andrew said
-How did she reacted?- I asked
-She wants to kill you, no she is hurt, talk to her- Andrew said
-I don't think that's possible right now, since I have the dagger in my lower back, which mean inside of me- I said
-I can take it out, it's not like I haven't see your body before- Andrew said with a cocky smile
-Do you want me to kill you or you prefer me to send you to the other side?- I sarcastically asked
-Neither of the options sounds good, but if it is in your arms I will happily considered- Andrew made a comeback
I shot him a look, it made me mad I couldn't get to him
-So do we take it out?- Andrew asked
-Stop it you're not taking it out- I said
-I don't know why Daniel thinks I will actually tell him where's the dagger- I said
-Unless you want your granddaughter to die, I will think about it- Daniel opened the door and we looked at him
The most surprising thing was just two minutes after him a girl with dark her walked in.
-Dad, I got your phone- The girl said I supposed she was Danielle
-Danielle, that's your sister- Daniel said pointing at me
-And that's your biological mother- Daniel said pointing at Mary
-Who's that?- Danielle said looking at Andrew
-Andrew, my right hand I trust him for everything, that's why I let him to take care of my daughter- Daniel said looking first at Andrew then at me
-I don't need protection, beside nothing actually happened after you left, I just killed three or four witches, right Andrew?- I said
-Right, I help her- Andrew said
-No you didn't- I said
-Yes I was with you all the time- Andrew said
-Be there doesn't mean help- I said
We were actually fighting over something that didn't happen at all...
Danielle whispered something on Daniel's ear.
-Of course- Daniel answered
-Andrew why don't you show her around, I think you have been long enough to know some places here in New York- Daniel said
Andrew was about to walked out the door with Danielle by his side, even if I didn't know her that much I already didn't like her.
-He can't, we have that thing to do- I said
-What thing?- Andrew asked
-Your sister, I'm not going by myself- I said
-Talk to her, it's better if you guys have a private talk, besides I have a young lady who needs my service- Andrew smirked at Danielle and red start coming out of her cheeks
I didn't know if he was doing it to get to me but he was definitely succeeding.
They walked out the door, Mary, Daniel and Madeline were still in the room with me.
-Do you see that beautiful girl that walked out the door, she would be dead in any moment if you don't tell me where the artifact is- Daniel said
-What artifact?- I asked pretending I didn't know anything
-The dagger- Daniel said
-She was about to tell me what it is by why don't you explain me, I trust you more- I sarcastically said
-We need it for what we are planning to do... Have all the power- Daniel said
-Then where it is?- I asked Madeline
-I'm not telling neither one of you- Madeline said
-Then you heard Daniel, that girl is dead- I said
One of my hidden talents is lying but you should know that by now. I have my moments of weakness but not as much moments of victories. I fight for what I want until I get it. That's what I don't want to love, it's just a feeling that gets in the way of your goals.
-For me you can kill her I don't know that girl- Madeline said
-She's your granddaughter- I said
-That came from that men which make her damn- Madeline said
I knew that wasn't for me but someone how I felt damn as well after all I'm his daughter, too.
-Mother, please- Mary said
-I don't think Mary will be okay with me killing her only daughter- Daniel said
-I need to talk to my mother can you leave? -Mary asked
-Yeah I leave you two talk about for a while, besides I need to catch up with my little girl- Daniel said looking at me
-Not little- I said and walked toward Daniel
-Angel wait- Mary stopped me by the arm -Can we meet later?, Maybe 4:00 in the afternoon- Mary continued
-Sure, see you later then- I said

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