Chapter 16- Unmasked

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Video of Chandelier by Sia
Have you ever ask yourself if the person you love really loves you back as much as they say? Or if you love that person as much as you think? What hides behind the mask of your words? And who you thought wasn't the one was the one all alone.
-Andy is this one of your jokes? Because I don't have... - I said
- No, I was there, Mary helped me to cover it up, make Chester believe he was there- Andrew said
I look at Mary for a moment...
-Don't take it on her, I ... threatened her- Andrew said clearly lying
-Mary, I'm really, really trying to trust you, but you make it really hard- I said shouting the last word
-I'm sorry I just...-Mary said getting close to me
-Do not touch me! - I yelled
Mary was nearly crying. I got close to Andrew and told him to stay away from me. I closed the door behind me and went to the car. After the ride back to the apartment, I decided to talk to Megan about everything. I knocked at her door and Ethan answered. I was able to leave because I was interrupting but Ethan convinced me to stay, after all we all were friends and I trust them with my eyes closed. I walked inside and told them everything so they let me stick around for a while. Elsa and Ryan came later to join us and we all watch a thriller movie. I saw everybody's happiness and I couldn't feel worst. I told them I was going to look for something but I just needed air. I went to the cemetery, I lain down next to my grave and looked at grey sky. I turned Chandelier by Sia as loud as I could. A crow came to me and rested in the top of my grave. Seconds later the last person I wanted to see came, Andrew. I didn't look at him but I asked what he wanted .
- We need to talk- Andrew said
-It's that a bee I'm hearing- I sarcastically said
- C'mon, I didn't know about the mask- I said
-I don't want to hear it- I said
-Give me a chance to explain- Andrew said
-No, you don't get a chance to explain, and you don't get a chance with me, it is what it is- I yelled
-Whoa, are you trying to hurt me, I can play that game too -Andrew said
-What you got?-I dared him
- Chester is never going to love you, he always going to choose your sister, just like everybody else- Andrew said
It went like a stake right into my frozen heart. He regretted of what he said by the look on his face. But it was too late to take it back.
-That's why I switch it off- I said
-Maybe you should switch your feelings on sometimes- Andrew said
-For what?, so I could hear you talking about your stupid feelings for me and fall for them, no thanks- I said
He didn't say anything back and walked pass me. I didn't expect for him to turn around, took me by the arm and kissed me. I don't know what came over me in that moment I couldn't stop myself from kissing him back. Without thinking about it I wrapped my legs around his waist. As he grabbed my hair in his hand I did the same with his. His lips went down to my neck and I let out a moan. My phone rang in that moment. I went down to my feet and took my phone from the back pocket of my jeans. In the screen Mary's name and photo appeared. I took the call and moved few steps away from Andrew. Mary told me she was reading the grimoire and she found out the curse didn't affect me. It meant that my feelings for Andrew could have been real. I hang up the phone quickly and look at Andrew hoping that he didn't listen anything.
-What's wrong?- Andrew asked
-Don't come close to me again- I said and walked away
-Angel talk to me what's the matter- He asked again but I kept walking
People say there is a thin line between love and hate but that never had happen to me before, I didn't believe it until now. Any possibility of feelings for Andrew had to be vanished.
I started the car and was about to make a left as someone walked across the street. I stopped the car before hitting him.
-Watch out where you going idiot- I yelled to the guy
He looked at me and I realized he was Chester. It's like my car always wants to crash him or something. That's more or less how we met.
-I'm sorry, I was listening to music-Chester said
-It seems like cars hate you mostly mine- I laughed
-Can you drive me home?-Chester asked
-Fine, but don't get used to it- I said
He insisted on talking about us but I always changed the subject. Mostly then that I may had feelings for Andrew. I took him to his apartment. Then, I went to Mary's house. I let myself in, I was desperate to talk to her about the call.
-When are you going to stop saying things by parts- I said
-I'm sorry I just read it right now- Mary said
-I try to get myself out of drama and now I just turn my back and it's right there-I said
-Angle you can't control everything- Mary said
-I like Chester and I thought he liked me back, but it was just an illusion, now I may have feelings for little Andy- I said
-Chester is a nice guy but he's not the right one for you, he's always would be in the middle of your sister and you, I'm not saying Andrew is the right guy either, after all he's a werewolf, you know vampires and werewolves hate each other and that's never going to end- Mary said
-You called in the right moment, I was about to sleep with Andrew- I said
-Oh God- Mary said
-I don't know what came over me- I said
I actually didn't know what happened to me. Maybe it just attraction and just it. It didn't have to be love right?
-What are you going to do now?- Mary asked
- Forget about boys and think about what I'm gonna do with Daniel and the sister you didn't tell me she was your daughter- I said
-I'm not against you but I can't tell you everything, it can mess things up- Mary said
- So there's more secrets- I said
-Yes, but I need you to trust me, I'm on your side- Mary said
Something about her told me I could trust her, even if she had lie to me before. My goal was to find Daniel and find out if Danielle is just like me or worst after all she is the daughter of a vampire and a witch, she could do a lot of damage. I was about to leave when Mary stopped me.
-Angel leave, forget about this whole thing, it's going to explore, I don't want you to hurt- Mary said
I smiled at the thought of someone besides Megan cared about me. But my middle name is revenge and it always has been. Even if I go down with my enemies I make sure I destroy them first.
- I'm staying and I'm getting revenge, but thanks-I said and left the house.

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