Chapter 25- Pretend You Love Me

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We lie for many reasons, the most important and usual one is to protect ourselves. But when we do it all the time, we become experts and we stop pretending and we grow to be the lie we built.
-What are you doing here?- I asked Daniel
-I wanted to talk with you- Daniel said to me
-I can leave- Andrew said taking his t-shirt on his hands
-Why? You are part of this- I asked
Andrew looked at me then at Daniel. Daniel's eyes were staring at Andrew.
-Actually I can talk to you later, I need to talk to Andrew on private- Daniel said
-What? Great now I'm the one out of this....-I looked at both of him and no one said anything
-Okay fine, I'll be back in a hour- I said and opened the door to close it again after me
After getting inside of my car, without knowing where to go. I thought about staying in the car, loud music and maybe order a pizza. Daniel opened the door and told me from the balcony to give them privacy since I could still hear them talking from my car. I nodded and started the car. After a few minutes I found myself outside of Mary's house, but nobody seems to be there. I was hoping that maybe we could finish our talk that was interrupted by the stupid ghost that used to be a guy I slept with. I still got out of my car and opened the door with a hair clip, after knocking four times of course and no one answered.
Even if I started trusting her... Again, I wanted to know more about her and her intentions, after all people don't walk with labels telling you if they want to hurt you or they like you. I opened the place where the grimoire was locked, and I found a family tree. It was full of paintings and names below them. The first one was called Rebecca Saunders, she had long hair and some of her features were like mine. Next to her was a guy I supposed it was her husband Clayton Saunders, he had short hair and intense look on his eyes. After them was Madeline and Joshua Huston, his eyes showed mystery but his smile was charming. Then there was Mary, no one by her side and then an A. which I didn't understand because it should be a D for Danielle, unless Danielle changed her name over the years. I spent another 20 minutes looking for anything else that could help me but nothing. I looked at my phone it was exactly one hour since I left the apartment, so I decided to go back.
I left the car two blocks away, so Daniel wouldn't hear the sound and realize I was back. I use the elevator for the first time, I hate being waiting for it to move, that's why I preferred the stairs to feel like I'm moving. I could hear everything from the parking lot, but I didn't want to miss a single detail. While I got closer, Daniel's voice was louder
-I asked you to pretend you are helping her and tell me everything that she does, I never asked you to date her- Daniel shouted at Andrew
-If I sleep with her and gain her trust it will be easier to get more information- Andrew said and somehow the words hurt me
-So you're not dating her- Daniel said
-No, I haven't forget what she did to me and my family, I told you I was going to help you, I don't love her, I don't even like her- Andrew said
A hole started to open in my frozen heart. I didn't even realize I was silently crying.
-If I find out you love her, I'm telling her who you really are- Daniel said
-I'm aware of that- Andrew said
-Changing subject, I asked a witch to make the other side visible, but I couldn't speak with the person I needed to- Daniel said
-Madeline?- Andrew asked
-Yeah, there is an artifact that could take Angel's powers away, and give them to me, but I don't know where it is- Daniel said
-Any ideas?- Andrew asked
-Madeline could have give it to one of her daughters- Daniel said
-Mary?- Andrew asked
-No, too obvious, Charlotte- Daniel said
-But she is dead- Andrew said
-Her generation still alive, I think they live in London- Daniel said
-Do you want me to go to United Kingdom to find out?- Andrew asked
-Yeah and take Angel with you- Daniel said
-What I'm suppose to tell her when she asks me what we are looking for?- Andrew asked
-Tell her it takes away the witches's powers and do not kill them, she would like the idea- Daniel said
I was about to get in to scream at both of them, and tell them how discussed I was but I could see a dark hair girl getting closer. I hid between some butches that were decorating the apartment when I realized the girl was Danielle. Danielle was listening to music and without knocking she goes inside my apartment, what is wrong with her? That's not her house. Now she was the one talking
-Hey, Andy... Dad- Danielle said
That's my nickname for Andrew not hers
-What are you guys doing?- Danielle asked
-Will you like go on a trip with Andrew to London?- Daniel asked Danielle
-What?!- Andrew said
-Of course, he can take me to the end of the world- Danielle said
I was about to kill her...
-What about Angel?- Andrew asked ignoring Danielle's comment
-She is going too but you know three's company- Daniel smirked
He just wanted someone to stop Andrew and me from sleeping together.
-Okay I tell her- Andrew said
I could hear him walking to the door, but he stopped when Daniel called him
-Andrew, wait for her here, we'll go- Daniel said and walked out the apartment, Danielle followed him
When I couldn't see him anymore, I walked inside and Andrew looked surprised.
-Angel, how long have you been here?- Andrew asked with wide open eyes
-Long enough to realize you're a liar- I said
-I can explain everything to you- Andrew said
-I don't want any explanation, I just want you to leave- I shouted
-I know you're mad, but we need to talk- Andrew said getting closer to me
-No, no, just leave- I yelled
-Please Angel- Andrew said getting even closer
-No, I'm not mad, I can't be mad because I'm the one who hurt your family and maybe I deserve it but I need you to get out- I yelled again looking to the side so he wouldn't see me cry
-Angel?!- Andrew said
-Out- I said with lower voice and he walked out the door
I slammed the door behind him and fall down to my knees. I let all the tears out and a loud scream full with anger and pain. I tried not to but I couldn't help it, it hurt me that he betrayed me, that he pretended he loved me. I lain on my bed and looked at the roof. The silence filled the room after I stopped crying. I only heard noises made by the air outside, that was the bad thing about having and excellent hearing, you can hear everything even if you don't want to.
Hours and hours passed but it felt like minutes. The door opened and I sat down in the bed, I thought I locked the door. It was Elsa, she still had the key.
-Elsa?!- I said surprised
-I need to talk to you, I want to know what happened between you and my brother Logan- Elsa said
-Okay, sit down, I'm going to tell you the truth, and first of all I'm guilty of everything that happened because I shouldn't be with him in the first place- I said
I told her everything.... By the look on her eyes I could see she believed me, but I wasn't sure she would forgive me.
-What you did was wrong but you didn't have a choice and you could have kill us and you didn't- I said
-I didn't know it was you but ever since I have try to repair my mistakes- I said
-I'm sorry I'd judge you- Elsa said
-I'm the one who should apologize, they were family and I took them away from you- I said
-Can we leave this behind and be roommates again?- Elsa asked
-Hell yeah, I was feeling lonely already- I said
-And my brother, where is he?- Elsa asked
I looked away and stood up from the bed, I couldn't bring myself to tell her or even say his name.
-Gone- I said
-What do you mean?- Elsa asked
-He left hours ago and he is not coming back here, if you want to see him, it will have to be out side of this place- I said
-What happened?- Elsa asked
-.... I didn't work- I said
-Seriously we become roommates again and you guys broke up- Elsa said
-It wasn't a break up because we were not together in the first place- I said
-But you liked him- Elsa said
-I did but no for a relationship, so whatever I don't care he can now be with Danielle or whoever he wants- I said
-Danielle?- Elsa asked
-Yeah my sister is here, my dad brought her, talking about the devil I need to speak with him, give me two hours I'll be back at 8- I said
-Okay, love you- Elsa said
-Me too- I said and walked out the door
I finally got to Daniel's house. The house changed completely thanks to Danielle whom changed the color of the walls and a pink chair was in front the TV. I entered and I called Daniel. He came from the stairs and looked at me, he smiled at that moment.
-Angel, it's so good to have you here- Daniel said getting close to me
-Yeah, I need to talk to you about my behavior, I can be a little rough sometimes but I really want to meet you, can I call you dad? -I asked

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