Chapter 11- Chicago

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Unresolved past always comes back to get solve, you always have to be prepared for the consequences this could bring. Sometimes it's good to do something bad for a good cause. And the guy with hidden secrets can become your partner in crime. You just need to keep an eye on it to figure out when it exactly happens.
I was like new the next day, 31 missing calls from Chester, 3 from Daniel, and one for Mary. I took off my pajamas to have a relaxing bath. I found myself inside the bathtub lying at one of the sides, my eyes were close and the music was full volume. I was relaxed until a voice woke me.
-Hey- Andrew said
-What the hell Andrew- I said
-You didn't notice I was here, your sense isn't working that well- Andrew said
-What exactly are you here for?- I asked
- Your dad want to go to Chicago with you, he says you date some guy you came from witch ancestors- Andrew said
-Carter is dead, I killed him- I said
-Ethan, a vampire; Chester, a human; Carter, a witch; you only missing a werewolf - Andrew said
-What about you? - I asked
- I don't know....- Andrew said
- No, what about you getting out of the bathroom when I am naked, it's not like it's your business - I continued

-Actually it is I'm going with you, put some clothes on brunette, we are going to Chicago- Andrew said exiting the room

There was not relaxing as I planned but I took my time in the bathtub after my little chat with Andrew, I wasn't going to follow his orders. I put my clothes on and follow Andrew downstairs in the parking lot, who took me by the arm and drags me to the car. I wouldn't let him if he didn't we were meeting Mary, what does he know about her was the question that came first into my mind.
Andrew knocked two times before Mary opened the door and she let both of us in. I asked what was going on, turned out Andrew wasn't helping Daniel, he was helping Mary, and he wanted revenge for his parents' death. Mary explained us every Saturday witches reunite to celebrate what they are, which I knew already because I was Carter's "girlfriend", which it was lame, too, instead of a stupid reunion to call witches from the past just for chat they better throw a party with alcoholic drinks. She asked us to find where they were meeting to warn them from Daniel without Daniel knowing of course.
We went back to Daniel's house where he was waiting for us to leave. I packed some things because we were not sure if it would take more than a day. I called Elsa to tell her where I would be staying. I could feel the happiness by my iPhone, I didn't know if she had lost her virginity by that time but I was sure she wouldn't lose time while I was gone, I totally made a joke about with Andrew, which is clearly overprotective with his sister, like he hadn't have sex at that age or even younger. Why people thought and think male and woman sexuality is different? If it's a boy with many girlfriends is a playboy that everybody loves, if it's the other way she is a slut. Andrew looked like he know how to have fun and I was a full-time slut, proud of it, there is not time for feelings, you saw where it took me, it's not pretty.
It was a long trip because I was with Daniel, the traitor and Andrew who only looked at me to be annoying. The worst part is I had to share a motel room with him, Daniel chose one just for him, so I was stuck with Andrew. I decided to look for Carter's address, if I was lucky they still were there. Carter had to sisters Lillian and Rose Whitman. Andrew and I went to Whitman's house knocking the door more than three times until she opened the door. When she saw me her face went pale, she tried to close the door but I didn't let her.
-May I come in? I remember now, I actually may - I said walking inside looking around
The small table in front of me was made of glass. It had on top a picture of the three siblings Carter, Lillian, and Rose; next to it was a smaller picture of a boy I had never seen before, I immediately asked Lillian about him but she just told he was her neighbor's son which was clearly a lie, I could see it in her eyes. Half an hour later a car arrived, I heard the sound and walk to the window to see outside of the house. Rose and the kid of the photo stepped out of it. Lillian was horrified and asks me not to hurt him. The boy was just like Lillian, I assumed he was her son, he wasn't my target, I don't have anything against innocent kids. In the minute they walked inside I introduced myself, the kid told me his name was Charlie before Lillian sent him to his bedroom. I let him go because I saw how my stepfather Robert killed my mother, since then I can't forget it, I don't wish anything like that to any kid. Rose was going after him but Andrew stopped her.
-Let her go please - Lillian said

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