Chapter 9- Don't know Don't judge

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Everybody has a past, but nobody have an easy one, you can't go around judging people without knowing their reasons to act that way, the way you don't like. I prefer to hear what they have to say. People have to walk in different directions; all destinies are not the same. The best thing of all is that you can fall but those who are strong can stand up.

Anybody saw it coming, it was impossible I was hugging Anna, my mother. Ruby and Megan were shocked, they couldn't believe it. Ruby opened her arms to hug me as she realized we both shared the same pain of losing our mother but I jerked away and walk out of the place. Megan followed me but everything she got closer I walked faster. She didn't have another choice than shout what she wanted to say.

-Angel why are running from this, it's ok to show your feelings - Megan yelled

-Go away Megan, I don't want to feeling, it sucks - I said turning back to her

- Stop shutting people out, I'm here for you - Megan said

- What about if I'm not the person you think I am? - I asked

- I'm mess up too - Megan said

- That's not the thing - I said

-It was time to forgive you mother, you never tell me all about her but I'm sure she is not as bad as you say- Megan said

-Maybe you're right, I maybe deserve what happened to me - I said

- So why you pushing me away?- Megan asked

-I'm killing witches ok, I'm hurting people because that's me, I never going to change - I said

- What are saying?- Megan asked

-What you heard, That's what I was doing with Daniel - I said

- I can't believe it - Megan said

-Well that's the ugly truth like it or not - I said sarcastically

-Our friendship is over - Megan said walking away

- It can't be over because it never exists - I yelled to her back making her to turn to me

She turned back to reply me but didn't, she turned around and she left. I walked to Sarah's bar and take a couple of drinks, but it didn't work. I couldn't forget what I told Megan, I was an idiot, nowadays I still don't know why I treated her like that, and she was the one who should be mad at me. I let out a deep breath and take a last shot of vodka before walking outside.

I decided I needed time alone, I needed to be in silence, I chose the cemetery to rest. I sat down in Anna's grave, I remembered our hug, but my heart wasn't ready to forgive just yet, why it was so hard for me? Forgive is so simple to say but it is not so easy to do. I started to remember that day, my mom and I....


-Mommy can we play outside, I'm bored here- I ask

-Just get out of here already - Mom says

- Ruby, my mom says we can play outside - I shout as loud as I can so she can hear me

We walk out of the house running and jumping; finally we can go out and have fun by ourselves. Freedom and happiness don't last long when my stepfather is in the house. He comes near us and sends Ruby back home, she does what he says. I try to run but he grabs by my arm with one hand, he uses the other hand to silence me. A loud scream escape from his hand on my mouth. I'm sure my mom hears me but she isn't doing anything to help me. I know she doesn't like me, but I didn't know she hates me. It gets worst when he throws me in the grass. I try but I can't fight the slap he gives me making blood come out of my nose. He yells at me to stay away from Ruby, I know he hates me but I'm Ruby's sister, we live in the same house. He never listens to me when I ask him to stop. He beats me where he can without caring about my pleas. He takes a stick and hit me with it; he maybe thinks his beats are not enough. I'm crying and crying but he doesn't care, I scream as loud as I can and she does nothing, she just stands there with Ruby by her side. Ruby is scared so she covers her eyes putting her face in my mom's dress, I can't blame her, I would do the same thing if I have the chance. When I realize any of the coming beats would hurt me anymore, he stops. I am not crying anymore except for one single tear falling from my eye to the grass, I want to stand up but my body doesn't let me, it was weak, bleeding, I'm not scared to die, I think it could be a way to get out of this mess that is my life.

Hours later my mom stand next to me, this time without Ruby, she looks at my watery eyes and tell me to stop crying like it doesn't hurt at all. She tells me to stop seeing Ruby because he says so. The last thing she says to me is that she doesn't want me as a daughter.

The words hurt even more than the pain from the beats. I am human, I'm not made from plastic and it hurts. Why do I do wrong? Why she doesn't love me? Why my dad left? Maybe he hated me; too, he couldn't see me anymore. I do everything I can to make her happy but it is seems it is never enough.

*Present Day*

I wiped up all of my thoughts except just one bring Elsa back to life. I needed a witch for that, but unfortunately Megan was mad at me at the moment. But there is one person that could help me out... Mary. I went to her house; then two knocks at her door she opened it.

-Hey, I need a big favor from you - I said

- Sure - Mary said walking to her living room

- You realize you haven't invite me in - I said

-Right, sorry, come in - Mary said

I sat in the couch after she let me in. When I told her I needed a favor she wanted to help out without having second thoughts.

-I need you to bring someone back to life - I said

-What about your friend, Megan right? - Mary asked

-We are not in good terms right now - I said

-I see, when I was your age I used to have no friends because of my behavior, except for someone - Mary said smiling but change the subject - so who is it?

-My friend Elsa, Daniel killed her, I want to bring her back - I said

- Let's do it - Mary said standing from the couch walking right inside her bedroom

- Wait what you get from helping me? - I asked but she didn't answer

I didn't know what she wanted from me, what she was getting in exchange, but that didn't matter in that moment; I would find a way later. The only thing through my head was Elsa. Mary had anything personal but still she was pretty sure she could bring her back. She told me to look closely to the mirror as she says some weird words. I didn't know why until little by little I saw Elsa, she walked out of the mirror and hug me tightly. The only thought of losing her kills me, I found in her the need of protection. She is like my younger sister, the sister I couldn't protect from my stepfather, in that moment I felt like I couldn't protect Elsa from Daniel. I looked at Mary one last time before walking out of Mary's door. I asked Elsa if she was ok is the least thing I could do for her after what Daniel did.

I told her I was done with him, it was true, I wasn't to stick to the plan no more. I would get lost in another state or even another country. I was just thinking in screw Daniel as much as he tried to screw me. Daniel called to ask me where I was and apologize but I didn't want to hear anything of his crap. I hanged the phone immediately without letting him finish. I went to the house to pick up my things and Elsa's. I didn't find anybody in the house, Daniel had something in mind but I didn't know it back then, just a little bit later. I packed up everything and put it in the car. Elsa followed me but gets back inside to find my mother's necklace that she still likes. I was close to get inside the car but someone stopped me. Chester yelled me to stay from where he was. He was getting closer when I decided to turn back and face him.

-Where are you going? - Chester asked

-Somewhere away from her - I said

-You can't leave me, I need you - Chester said

- Oh, please you have Ruby, unless you want to form a trio I don't have any idea of why you need me, for the record last time I check you chose her like everybody does, I'm not a game you can play wherever you want- I claimed

- You're not a game for me Angel, I just need to find things out, but please stay - Chester said

I was so confused I couldn't see what was wrong, I couldn't see anything else that his confession and the chance that maybe he could feel something for me, I needed to take the risk or I would regret it for the rest of my dead life.

Broken Angel[Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora