Chapter 32- Anger

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Anger is a feeling we feel once too many times. When we feel impotent, incapable of doing something about it, when we feel vulnerable and hurt. It is one of the strongest feelings, it can destroy you in just a second, that's why we have to fight it once in a while.
I opened my eyes and looked at my right side, he was right there beside me, sleeping and a smile grew from my lips without noticing. I stood up without making a single sound, werewolves have good hearing but we can be really quiet when we want. I walked outside the apartment to the balcony and watched the full moon raising as I thought about taking that thing out of my lower back. I came back to the room and took a knife out of the kitchen. Then I tried to reach my lower back looking over my shoulder to the mirror.
I was too concentrated on the mirror that I didn't feel Andrew's presence.
-What are you doing?- Andrew asked
-Trying to get this out- I said
-You didn't sense me, you need to be careful, next time could be someone else- Andrew said
-Like Daniel, I know, but I need to get this out of me- I said trying again
-But isn't it safer to have it there than anywhere else that Daniel would be able to reach it?- Andrew asked
-Yeah, but it's easy for you to say, you don't have a weapon inside of you, there is also the full moon is already out, I could do things I don't want to do- I said
-Okay then let me help you, give me the knife...- Andrew said
I turned my back to him, so he would have easy access. I could see by the corner about he was thinking it twice, like he didn't want to cut my skin.
-Waiting!!!- I said
-Are you sure it won't hurt you?- Andrew asked
-Andrew, just do it, it's just a knife- I said
He cut my skin and I don't feel a thing, but the blood comes out quickly. He looked away like five times before making a opening big enough to take the artifact out.
-Are you okay?- Andrew said
-I'm going to heal in a sec, don't worry- I said
-I will take a bath, look for a place to keep this thing safe...- He said holding the dagger
I took it in my hands and thought on a place I could hide it.
-I will, even if there are a lot of people waiting for my death, I won't make them happy- I said and he smiled
-By the way... what day is tomorrow, I think smithing special is happening but I can't remember what?- Andrew smiled
-My birthday, how do you know?- I smiled
-Well I did a little research on you, when I wanted revenge- Andrew said while going to the bathroom
-Stalker much- I said
-Well you have to find out your enemy's virtues and flaws to defeat them... it's not like we are enemies now- He said from the bathroom
-Yeah, now we are....- I didn't know what to call us
The water started running but I could still hear me
-Yeah I was actually hoping to talk about that, I want to know where are we standing right now- Andrew said
I left him hanging when I heard a knock at the door. When I opened it, Danielle was standing in the outside.
-Can I come in?- Danielle asked
-Do I have a choice?- I sarcastically asked
-No really, my father sent me- Danielle said
I walked faster but carefully toward the dagger and hid it under the pillow.
-Your father sent you or did you realize that Andrew wasn't in your bed, he was in mine- I said
-You know what Angel, he slept with me because he wanted it to, but the only reason he slept with you in the first place was to make you fall in love, so he could revenge his brother's death, he loves me, he hates you- Danielle said
-Why don't you just tell me what you want and leave- I said
-With pleasure... He wants your blood- Danielle said
- Why will he need my blood for?- I asked
-You trust him right?, you even called him dad- Danielle said
-Of course I do- I lied
I had to pretend they say you have to keep your friends close and your enemy closer. I cut my wrist and fill a small bottle with it.
She reached my hand to get but pulled away.
-I don't trust you, I will call him to find out if it is true- I said
When I called Daniel and it was in effect true, I asked him what he wanted it for but he said it would be just a reserve, just in case something happens.
I gave it to Danielle, threatening her that if she does anything else with it, I would murder her.
-You know, the real you is behind that mask, you think you are strong, but you're weak, you think you are changing to good, evil never change, and you think Andrew or anyone else actually loves you then think again because no one can love a monster- Danielle said
I couldn't contain myself and my hands wrapped around his neck. I could feel the rage inside of me, the moon effect was getting darker and darker by the minute. I could feel my eyes going black and my evil side taking over me. The worst part is that something inside of me told me she was right, I was a monster, I couldn't deal with rejection or weakness, which pissed me off. I looked at the side where a small wooded table was placed. I broke one of the table legs to stab her.
A hand holds my wrist and looked back to find Andrew.
-Angel, stop, this is not you!!!- Andrew said
Then the door opened again and Chester came in.
-Put that down Angel!!!- Chester said
Both were trying to convince me, I didn't know who I listened but it made me stopped.
-Go, I don't come back because nothing will stop me next time- I told Danielle and she nodded with her head, seconds later she walked out the door
-Did you find Ruby?- I asked
-Im sorry Angel, I found her body, someone killed her- Chester said to me looking down to the floor
My anger faded away and the hole filled up with pain. The tears came down from my eyes.
-No you're lying, she can't be dead, she is my little sister, I'm the one who supposedly have to die first!!!!- I yelled
-Angel we need to find who did this- Andrew said
-I know exactly who did this, and he paying for it- I said, took my jacket and rushed out the door
-Angel stop!!, I'm going to talk to Danielle, go with Chester to take the body and bring it home- Andrew said
I was so angry, but the sadness was stronger so I did what he said.
When we got to my sister, I found her in the woods, lying on the ground. I ran toward her and let myself to fall next to her.
-Let's take her to you apartment- Chester said
I carried her to the car and we drove back to my apartment. I lay her on the couch and called Mary in my last chance to save her. She came as fast as she could and tried everything but no results.
A long time passed since Andrew left and there was still no answer. I called him but the machine answered me right away. I called Daniel to see if he was still there, I had to contain myself not to say what I was feeling, Andrew asked me to hold off.
-Oh my dear beautiful daughter, I can't believe you are getting older, tomorrow is your birthday, a father never forgets, so I wanted to give you an early present, can you come to my house and see?- Daniel said
-I'll be there- I said
I saw my chance to get out all my anger, to destroy, I was not going to pretend anymore.
I left Ruby with Chester and drove to Daniel's house. When I got there I kicked the door.
-Welcome home sweetie- Daniel smirked
-Don't think you're getting away after killing my sister- I said
-That's why I wanted to talk to you, I realized the little game of yours and there are always consequences, your sister happened to be there being the perfect opportunity, but then I thought it was a soft punishment, so what about two deaths instead of one- Daniel smirked and opened the curtain next to him revealing Andrew's body.

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