Chapter 1- My Story

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Three hundred years ago I lived with my mom, Anna Clark and my dad in a cottage so far away that probably nobody knew. They weren't married and didn't have family, we only had each other. Everything was perfect; my parents were happy together and the view was gorgeous. The grass was really green and covered with dew. I could see the sun rise through my window every morning. The music of the birds made me happy and the sunset was the most beautiful thing my eyes have seen.

But the good moments never last; I didn't know it until that day when everything changed. My parents had a big fight; I didn't get why they were fighting, but it was something really bad because he never returned. I don't remember too much; I was only two years old. I do remember my mom wasn't depressed or anything, actually she was a relief, like she wanted him gone. I don't remember anything about my dad at that time. Sometimes I tried to picture his smile, his face, his laugh... something to remind him, but nothing came to my mind.

I thought lose my father would be the worst thing that could happen, but I couldn't be more wrong. The same month my mom marry another man; she had a smile a never have seen. Her hair was stunning as blonde as gold, and the glow of his green eyes were unforgettable. Since the first time I saw him something told me he wasn't a good man. But I didn't worry about it; I wouldn't allow anything that could disturb the happiness of my mother. I thought they met after my dad left but it wasn't like that. I found out about it when, a month after the wedding I discovered my mom was already pregnant; they were together a long time ago when my father was with my mom. I was excited about a little sister, but I didn't think she would take my place in my mother's heart. In 1715 my little sister born, my mother decided to name her Ruby because she said Ruby was like a gemstone

My suspicions about my stepfather were growing, little by little. I was trying to ignore it, but it was impossible. During the full moon nights he was never home, but my mother didn't seem to mind. Eleven years later everything was the same, except my little sister; she turned into a beautiful girl, her long blonde hair was exactly like my mom's, her green eyes were shining like diamond and her pretty face was soft as if she was still a baby. All the attention was for her, my mom didn't notice me at all. Well she did but only when I did something wrong. It was like I wasn't her daughter, like she didn't care what could happen to me. But I didn't hate my sister because it wasn't her fault.

Ruby and I were really close; I took care of her, played with her, and always open mind. She was everything for me, our bond was unbreakable, she was the reason I smiled every day. I was capable of anything to protect her, even kill. I could be mad to everyone but her. She was the person I loved the most, but clearly she didn't feel the same way.

One day I decided to follow my stepfather to see what he did all nights. I saw something unbelievable, he turned into a werewolf; I didn't know supernatural creatures exist but I was terrible wrong. I told my mom but she didn't believe me, actually she didn't believe anything I said. But that night my stepfather took Ruby away from the cottage. I didn't know what to do; I was really scared of what could happen. My mother ran after him trying to save Ruby, but he killed her without Ruby seeing. That moment the only thing through my mind was protect my sister, I tired but she was a werewolf already; he took her away from me, and locked me in my bedroom. I didn't know why he didn't kill me, it always was a mystery.

I spent three years of my life trying to escape, entrain myself and try not to go crazy. I was 16 years old when I could escape for first, but I had to come back anyway; I didn't know where to go, anywhere I could go he would find me, I wanted to protect my sister, too. She loved his father and she wouldn't believe me anything bad I could say about him. I had to figure out a way to help her without hurting her, but I didn't have time.

Everything made sense again when I met a boy called Jake; he had brown eyes and brown hair. I believed in love and I thought we were going to last forever, but it was only a dream. He was my first boyfriend, my first love, and my first time. We dated for one year, I could tell it was a year full of love and innocence, I wished it never end, but everything have an end, and luck or love never was for me. When I thought everything was going fine he broke up with me telling me he was in love with someone else. When I heard those words I couldn't breathe, and my heart was broken into pieces. It did hurt; I never felt so much sadness before. The worst thing is she wasn't just a girl, she was my sister.

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