Chapter 34- Don't let me Scream

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When something hurts so much that you just want to cry and scream. But you still want to look strong in front of others, so you keep it in the inside for so long until the moment you can't hold it anymore and you break.The scream made me fall to the ground and Mary attacked her with her powers. But she still was screaming at me, until Mary finally killed her.
-What the hell was that?- I asked
-A Banshee, they kill victims that are in pain, even if I was the one who was attacking her, you were the one suffering - Mary said
-I am not- I yelled as I stood up from the ground
-Honey if you keep all inside for so long, it's going to hurt later even more, those who are stronger for so long, break easily later- Mary said
I turned my emotions back on. She put her hand gently on my face. I looked away and gently moved my face away from her hand. I hate when people look at me with pity or feeling sorry for me.
-Daniel wants me to give him the dagger- I said
-You're not going to give it to him are you?- Mary asked
-Why not? I already lost him- I said referring to Andrew
-You can't give up now, this is not you- Mary said
-It's not like you been around to find that out- I said, I thought about what I just said and took that back
-Sorry, I didn't mean to say that- I said
-It's true, I should have been next to you- Mary said
-We don't have time for what could have been... How does that stupid dagger works exactly?- I asked
-It takes your powers away but if also have the power to kill you, your grandmother didn't like the idea of you, so she created this to kill you, but then she realized that if she kill you, no one would be able to kill Daniel, so she hid it- Mary said
-Daniel is waiting for me to give it him, I don't care if you think it is a crazy idea, but I'm giving it to him... but before I do that I want to know how to kill him, if I'm going to die, I'm taking him with me- I said
I came back to my apartment and called Megan to inform her about everything, I tried to call Elsa but she didn't answer, well after what I told her, I wouldn't blame her. Chester was already there so he was able to hear everything.
-Angel, you need to think twice, before doing this- Megan said
-Megan, Elsa lost her family because of me, at least she deserves to bury her brother, you are the ones who are going to bring him back to her- I said
-I'm not letting you do this, I lost too much of your life already- Mary said
-Let's face it, I wasn't supposed to be born in the first place, besides this is not about me, but I'm the key to stop this nonsense, at this point I'm more scared to live than to die- I said
-Ethan you come with me, it's better if is just two of us, you'll take Andrew to Elsa and a note I will give you, I'll stay with Daniel and kill him..... Mary I need to you to call your mother, I need to talk to her- I said
-What do I have to do?- Megan asked
-Be there for Elsa, she is going to need you, she is with Ryan right now, but she could use a friend, too- I said
-I can come with you- Chester said
-Chester, don't take this the wrong way but you are just going to be in the way, now that Ruby died, it's better if you tried to live in the human world with your mother and forget about all of these- I said
-I can't just forget about you- Chester said
-I definitely don't need a declaration of love right now, Chester, please just forget about all of these- I said
Mary convokes her mother to talk me. When I came face to face with her, I asked her, if she knew a way to kill Daniel.
-I don't know- She said
-If you don't know how I'm supposed to know?- I asked
-Well, there is a reason I let you live, because you know how- She said
-If you weren't dead, I will probably kill you- I said, I was already feeling frustrating
-You see, she is just like her father, she doesn't care about family- She said to Mary, who was standing next to me, everyone else left. Megan went to see Elsa, Ethan was waiting for me in the car, ready to leave, and Chester just left, I was hoping he would listen to my advice.
-Mother, please, if you have anything else that could help us, just tell us- Mary said
-Find your strength and your weakness, remember you're stronger than him, take the dagger with you, he is protected by the power of a witch, but you are half one, use it in your favor- She said
After I talked to Madeline, I started writing the letter to Elsa.
I didn't mean any of the things I told you, but you were wrong, Andrew's death didn't hurt me, it tore me apart, I thought I could finally be happy with him, but everything I touch gets damage. When we talked I had my emotions turned off, but somehow, who talked to you was me trying to push you away, so you won't get hurt, but I guess I hurt you more that way. I know giving you Andrew's body is not the same as bringing him alive, but you have the right to bury him. I wrote your this letter because I'm not coming back, if Daniel wants to kill me, he'll have it but don't worry, I'm taking him down with me. If you could choose family, I will choose you as my sister, love you,
I took the dagger and went to meet Ethan. He drove me to Daniel's house. The first person I saw was Danielle. She walked toward me with tears in her eyes.
-Please tell me you have a way to bring him back- Danielle said
-No but I have a way for you to see him again- I said
-Which one, I'll do anything- Danielle said, but she couldn't speak anymore because I took her heart out in a second making her dead body fall to the ground
-Now you can be together, Madeline was right, I don't believe in family- I said
Ethan followed me to the entrance. I didn't see anyone, Andrew's body wasn't in the floor anymore. I yelled Daniel's name three times before he answered.
-Do you have the dagger?- Daniel asked
-I do, where is Andrew?- I asked
-He is one of the bedrooms, but you have to come alone- Daniel asked
-Ethan is just here to take him back to his sister, I'm staying with you to give you the dagger, but you have to give me Andrew first- I said
-I'm sorry but it won't work that way, Ethan has to wait on the car- Daniel said
-I'm not leaving her alone with you- Ethan said
-It's okay Ethan, go back- I said
Ethan walked out the door and Daniel showed me the way to where Andrew was. The room wasn't just any room. It was dark with just a lightbulb that gave a weak light. There was no bed or Andrew. I suddenly felt him hitting me in my head from the back and then everything else went black.

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