Chapter 12- Advice Allowed

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In our darkness moments we could really use advice of a friend. Even if we don't want them doesn't hurt to hear it because maybe you didn't want it but you will really need it. It's good to be independent, make up your own mind and believe in your instincts. But sometimes you need to let someone lead you for a little while. It might surprise you how you thought things were, were really not.
-I don't want to hurt anybody I just want to warn you- I said
-Warn us about what? - One of them asked
-There is a man who want to kill your kind, it's not like I want you alive, but I don't have any reason to kill you unless you want to hurt me - I said
-What you get from all of this?- The same girl asked
-Piss off my father, now go and be careful- I said
The left and I turned to Andrew to see if he still was alive. The bones in his body were still harm by the last attack but this one didn't let them heal. He tried to stand up but he couldn't. I helped him slowly to stand in his own feet. I helped him get inside the car and back in the motel. He got some rest while I was taking a bath, when I finish I took my iPhone to call Mary so she could know about the witches.
-Thanks, I thought you would let me there -Andrew said
-That was my intention but Mary won't forgive me- I said
- So when we go back?- Andrew asked
- When you get completely heal, Daniel can't know what happen - I said.
He put his t-shirt back on while I took the bags to put them in the car backdoor. We get in the road and drive all the way back to New York. The first place to go was Mary's, she asked us to stop by. Andrew talked with Mary meanwhile I called Elsa who was a little occupied.
-Angel soothing wrong? - Elsa asked
-You sound a little... hectic - I smirked
-No, I'm ok - Elsa said trying to calm herself
- Listen I'm back in the city and your brother, too, I don't think he will love the idea of seeing you with a guy - I said
-Don't worry about me Ryan is leaving already, he is using the shower is that okay?-Elsa said
-Everything is mine is yours except guys - I laughed
Andrew got close to me and tells me he would go to my apartment to see Elsa, he didn't know I was talking to her in the phone so he put her in alert. I went to a coffee shop after calling Megan to meet us there. Megan and I fix our differences and I told her about the plan I had against Daniel. Megan told me they would reunite like always in Sarah's and if I would like to come. I said yes, I wanted to see how my sister was, talk to Ethan and there was Chester, would be awkward but I wanted to go.
I went to my apartment, Andrew was still there, he asked about the male cologne he smelled in the room. Elsa didn't know what to say to his brother so I told him it must be the smell of the last time I brought a man, I don't think he believed me all of it but he just went with it leaving the room. Elsa told me everything about Ryan except what happen in the room while I was gone thanks God. I told her about Sarah's, she told me she was meeting Ryan there so I had to over for her keeping her brother away from them.
I went to Daniel's house, he was talking with Andrew about the witches "we didn't find". I looked around and nobody was there. Daniel sent the pack of werewolves to their home; he said they would be call when we'll need it. Daniel went to bed early, he was tired he said... of what? Doing nothing Andrew and I were the ones who did the dirty work. After Daniel went upstairs to sleep I asked Andrew if he had any plans tonight, if I wanted to help Elsa I needed to know where he was. He wanted to go exactly to Sarah's that night; I had to keep an eye on him all night.
In the bar I spotted Elsa and Ryan in the corner table with a bottle of wine. I looked all over the room and in the middle table was Megan and friends. I was waiting just for Andrew to come, I didn't have another choice that invited him to our meeting or he would saw Elsa. When he stepped inside the bar I screamed his name so both of them could hear me Andrew and Elsa. Andrew stood in front of me giving back to Elsa. He wanted a drink so he proceeded to the bar, I needed to keep him away from Elsa and the bar gave him a perfect view for him to see them. I stopped him and lead me to the outside because I wanted to "talk to him", I didn't have anything in mind but I had to come up with something.
-What's wrong with you? - Andrew asked
- I need to talk to you about your sister- I said
- What is it? - Andrew asked
-Why you can let her have a boyfriend, I mean she is 16 - I said
-No boyfriend, end of discussion - Andrew said getting back inside
When I tried to stop him I saw them kiss, they were happy than ever, Chester was like nothing ever happen, he lied to me and he looked ok. But I still had the stupid idea of something between us, I kept holding on to something that would never happen. People said love is something beautiful but sometimes break your heart out when you know that person would never be with you. Andrew noticed how I looked at them and he dared to say his opinion about it.
-Come on you still into that guy - Andrew said
-No your problem and we were talking about your sister why you're so protective? - I asked
-Because I don't want anyone to hurt her, she is the only person I got left, you know, I don't want to see her heartbroken felling for a guy who doesn't love her like you- Andrew said
- Let that go we're still talking about your sister - I sort of yelled
- No you let him go, he doesn't love you, and if he is not capable to see how dawn beautiful you are he doesn't deserve you- Andrew yelled which left me speechless after he left
I didn't want to go back in there so I went to Mary's house. I sat in the couch looking at the wall and I let out a frustrated scream before Mary sat next to me. She offered me something to drink before asking any question. I didn't know why but I trusted her so I just told her how I really felt. I mentioned about the endless cycle between Ruby and me, we always like the same guys, it was better when we were in different ways, but once again we did the same thing.
-So you're mad at yourself because you can't end this cycle- Mary said
-Yeah kinda and why he cares about my life he should be finding one for himself- I said
-Who are we talking about? - Mary asked
-Andrew, someone I barely know comes with his British accent telling me what to do- I almost yelled
-Ok so this is about the endless cycle or Andrew meddling in your life? - Mary asked
- I don't know I just find him annoying, you know you should have pick someone else to help me take down Daniel- I said
- He wanted revenge, he is capable of do anything to destroy him, that's what we need - Mary said
-Is this just happens to me or what?- I asked
-I have been in the same place before, I felt in love with someone who didn't love me back and he changed me until I didn't know who I was anymore- Mary said
I felt like I could tell anything to her, in that moment I realized that it could be a reason why, she has been there where I was. I needed to clear my head and if Chester and I were meant to be it would happen someday if not I would find my own way. I said goodbye to Mary and make my way to my apartment. Daniel called me in that moment, I picked up the phone, he told me he needed to make a short trip, and it would take just a week he told me. It was find by me, I could forget about Daniel, witches, Andrew and Chester for a while. After I hanged up I called Megan to meet me in the spa, I was really stress in those days, I also invited Elsa, I needed time with my girls. I checked Instagram, there was Andrew request to follow me but I ignored it, then I saw a picture from Megan's account, she was in the bar, Ethan by her side and they were kissing.

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