Chapter 27- Granted

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We take people for granted all the time, we think they are going to be there forever, but we can expect that, because as much as we want love, understanding and honesty is the same amount we need to give them. In the moment you realize they are important in your life it will be too late, they are already gone.
I closed Andrew's door apartment and started walking toward my car. Elsa followed me trying to catch up with me.
-I'm so sorry, I didn't even know- Elsa said
- It's not your fault Elsa, it's mine- I said
-No...- Elsa said and we stopped in front of my car
-It is, I had him, I took him for granted and now I lost him, I tried so many times to drive him away with the excuse I will hurt him, but I was the one that didn't want to get hurt- I said
-What?- Elsa asked
- I never let anyone get close to me because even if I act tough I get attached to easily, and if that happens I was in danger of getting hurt, which I am right now...- I said clearing my throat
-My brother is an asshole- Elsa said
-Let's just go and think about something else like I have a deadly weapon inside of me- I said
-What?!- Elsa said as we got inside the car
-The right thing to do is take it out but if I take it out Daniel will have more access- I said
-What does Daniel has to do with it?- Elsa asked
-He wants it to take my powers away, he never planned for me to "rule the world" he wants to do it himself- I said
-Does Andrew know about this?.. Sorry dumb question you- Elsa said
-Of course he knows, that's the point he lied to me all the time, and the stupid trip to London is for him to take it out without Mary helping me- I said
-Wait, my brother is not against you, he is lying to Daniel- Elsa said
-Now what did he tell you?- I asked
-Andrew is pretending to be on Daniel's side but he is yours- Elsa said
-Elsa, I killed your mother and brother, I remember his eyes when he was little... He hated me, and it makes sense that he lied to me, and he is on Daniel's side- I said
-He can't hate you because he loves you- Elsa said
-He doesn't.... Nobody does- I said
I stopped the car in the parking lot. I got out of the car at the same time Elsa did. Elsa followed me to the elevator.
-What are you going to do now?- Elsa asked
-I'm going to London with Andrew- I said
-And Danielle...- Elsa said
-Didn't need the reminder- I said
-Sorry... -Elsa said
-I can't believe that happened, he's a man-whore- Megan said
-He's my brother- Elsa said
-And I can't believe you only come here to listen to the gossips- I said
-Someone is in a really bad mood and she is being really bitchy- Megan said
-Ughhh!!!! Why did he have to sleep with her?- I asked myself
-I'm really sorry A- Megan said
-Don't need your pity, I just wish I didn't have any sisters- I said
-Okay what about a girl night?, we can go out the three of us or we can stay here and do a kind of sleepover... Movies... Popcorn... No guys.... And karaoke- Elsa said
-I think it's a good idea, but don't let Angel sing, she sings really bad, just listen to her in the shower- Megan laughed
-I'm not that bad.... And I'm not that good either... So it's better if I don't sing- I said and threw a pillow at Megan, which made her laugh harder
-Wait but if Andrew told Daniel about the dagger, shouldn't he ask you for it already?- Megan asks
-Drew didn't say anything- Elsa said
-Maybe you just mad at him because he slept with your sister- Megan said
-That bit... Person is not my sister- I said
-You're definitely pissed- Megan said
Megan could be right maybe I was just looking for an excuse. I knew I couldn't ask him to be just with me, when we weren't exclusive.
-Okay fine I would give him a chance to talk- I said
-Just to talk....-Megan said
-Stop it, I'm not having...- I was cut off by a knock at the door
Elsa stood up and opened the door. My eyes met Andrew's and then Elsa's.
-I texted him....- Elsa said
-Thanks- I said
-Welcome- Elsa smiled
-Can I come in?- Andrew asked
-Yeah we're leaving.... Keep it clean and use protection- Megan said
-Get out!!!- I said
Elsa and Megan closed the door behind them. I was alone in the room just with him... For the first time I felt like I could lose control.
-Are you going to talk or you're just going to stand there like an idiot?- I asked
-I know what you think of me and how pissed are you right now- Andrew said
-That's the only thing you're going to say?- I asked
-No, I'm playing double team, I act like I'm on Daniel's side so he could trust me and help you instead- Andrew said
I didn't say a word
-Say something please- Andrew said
-I don't believe you.... The other explanation is more believable- I said
-Which one?- Andrew asked
-The one where you do all this because of revenge, if you had kill my family... And I cared about them you will be dead by now- I said
-I can't hate you- Andrew said
His iPhone started ringing and he silenced it but then it rang again and I asked him to answer before that thing could drive me crazy. It was Danielle... Of course.
-Give me a sec- Andrew said
-You know what just leave it, you clearly have more important things to do- I said
-Angel...- Andrew said
-No... By the way I'm going to London, tomorrow- I said
-Okay I'll pick you up- I said
-No I'll pick you and ask Danielle to sleep with you tonight, so I will only have drive to your house, tomorrow- I said even if the thought discussed me
-See you tomorrow- Andrew said and shot the door behind him.
I went to the closet I took out one skinny jeans and sweatpants, a couple of t-shirts, underwear and my favorite leather jacket in a backpack.
I lain down in my bed and look through my phone for a while. I couldn't shake the thought of him and when I finally thought I erased the memory then he appeared again but this time in Danielle's bed.
Daniel texted me about the trip, I told him it would be tomorrow... Or should have said in a few hours away, it was already 5:00 in the morning.
I walked to the balcony and looked at the sky. I thought, maybe if I just give everything away it would be better for me, I could just leave and never come back, I born alone I would die alone. I didn't need anyone else. Even thought I was weak... Or weaker when I was human I didn't have so much weight in my back, I always give up on everything, why it should be different this time.

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